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  2. UPDATE 9th June 2024 Persian Gulf Map 10:00 Only Updated DML scripts to latest version. Release was made to deal with some reported issues with the clone feature (its what I use to randomly place the SAM sites and also some other units. Removed the 3 moving sets of enemy ground troops. These were a recent addition and may have been a step too far. There were about 12-15 soldiers in each group. Scaled back the number of random generated SAM sites, perhaps I was getting a bit over enthusiastic. I was brought it back to just 5 from 8. Caucasus Map (DD_All Planes Jet Practice 0700) Slight name change from the original version which was DD_ALL Planes A4 Jet Practice 0700. I have left this version in tact. @DD_Fenrir hope that's OK. Added in the Kiowa Added in the Phantom
  3. Remember that we had issues running the wing walkers mission for il2 No issues running normal generated missions even with larger numbers. Ww much more intense with triggers and spawning in objects I believe that server cannot handle memory intense missions
  4. So I ran two mission tests last night. 1. Using our Persian Gulf Map I removed all the DML scripts but left the Phantom in. I turned on my frames so I could monitor. I have my frames capped at 60 in my settings (I read a while back that this was the right thing to do?). I used the phantom for bombing practice using high drag and clusters (first time I had used them, they make a nice mess of the hostage town ). My frames stayed pretty much solid at 60. There was the odd dip (flying low over a big town but that was to be expected) but nothing serious enough to cause a freeze or lock up. 2. Using our Persian Gulf map I removed the Phantom and put back all the DML. I used the Apache this time and again kept an eye on the frames. They stayed pretty much the same as before, most of the time at 60 with the odd dip. Loading into the Apache was a little slow for all the graphics to render (and possibly the DML spawns which I know there may be a problem with at the moment. cfrag is aware and planning to release a fix this weekend. Once he does I will update the mission with the new scripts) and there was the odd stutter while this was taking place, but we have had they before anyway. Once everything had rendered ok I had not problems flying around, putting it into a solid hover or putting warheads on foreheads. Outcome of my test on my own on the server: INCONCLUSIVE. (Unless something has changed in the background of course and we are back to original performance.) I have put the full Persian Gulf map back up (Phantom and DML) so lets see how that goes.
  5. From what I have read on the DCS Dedicated Server: no performance gain there (compared to using --server --norender on a client installation), it may save some disk space. But we have plenty of that. Let's first focus on the missions and their complexity... ?
  6. We are running the normal client, but using --norender parameter, so it loads without any graphics output. Some config files make sure it uses the web interface, and starts hosting a mission automatically. I have not got a clue if a dedicated server version would make a difference.
  7. Booked the last room at the Columbia for Friday and Saturday nights . It was just a little bit far to drive whilst tired after a show .
  8. Is there any benefit to replacing the DCS install we have with the dedicated server version - or is that what we have already?
  9. When I was on server I had no issues, when practicing offline with phantom there were loads and radar issues
  10. So there were no comments of performance issues last night however, It was a quiet night last night, peek players was probably only 3 or 4 and no real heavy action going on. So difficult to say definitely its the Gulf map. I have created the two missions I mentioned so will look to test them.
  11. A-10A FAC(A) wins 3 x DFC in three consecutive missions by being a FACA king - listening to this I had to peel my eyebrows off the ceiling on several occasions. BEWARE - may induce imposter syndrome in any DCS wannabe FAC(A)s...
  12. Earlier
  13. Sounds like a plan! (Wait, A or B plan?)
  14. I will check that out FT on the forums.
  15. After complete re-install of our DCS on the server, I also added this: DCS_updater.exe install WWII-ARMOUR The WWII assetpack, as I saw this in the logfiles: 2024-06-06 11:02:57.774 ERROR woCar (Main): Unit CCKW_353 is unknown , replaced with Leopard-2 2024-06-06 11:02:57.784 ERROR woCar (Main): Unit Willys_MB is unknown , replaced with Leopard-2 2024-06-06 11:02:57.800 ERROR woCar (Main): Unit Daimler_AC is unknown , replaced with Leopard-2 It's just a wild guess though...
  16. Well, we will run the Normandy map this evening which does not have the phantom or DML. We will see how that goes. If it is smooth with no issues I will modify my Persian Gulf map to take out the Phantom. If it is still the same I will make a clean mission with no DML and put the Phantom back in.
  17. Could very well be... I do not see any 'stack overflow' messages in DCS's latest logfiles, but maybe DML has it own? Just to check - what are our next steps to try and analyze and fix this?
  18. Just seen this in the DML thread, perhaps a cause of some of our issues?
  19. That is what I was thinking. Myself and Fruitbat are playing at the moment so I will put the Gulf map up to test. Thanks anyway. Hopefully speak tomorrow, unless you want to pop into TS now to say Hi
  20. Feel like there's a new command needing to be run at some time DCS_Updater.exe install KOLA_terrain
  21. Thanks FT, that is what I was thinking. I might put the Gulf map up this evening just for testers.
  22. I think Normandy would be appropriate for tomorrow indeed!
  23. Hm, it's done already. Will fire up the server, and then load up a Normandy map/mission. We need one for tomorrow do we not?
  24. Check in again in about 90 minutes, chances are it's complete by then.
  25. No worries. As long as you do not cancel it's not a problem, its more like watching paint dry...
  26. Indeed. Here's the list I used now: DCS_updater.exe install SINAIMAP_terrain DCS_updater.exe install MARIANAISLANDS_terrain DCS_Updater.exe install THECHANNEL_terrain DCS_updater.exe install PERSIANGULF_terrain DCS_updater.exe install NEVADA_terrain DCS_updater.exe install SYRIA_terrain DCS_updater.exe install NORMANDY_terrain Found this from 2021: "For future reference, here's a link to a table of like all DCS modules, with their names in it: Modules!"
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