Barnaby last won the day on December 8 2012
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About Barnaby
- Birthday 03/24/1944
Profile Information
woodworking - 0 gauge model railway but I still have some of my R/C aircraft stuff - water colour painting.
Gaming in particular FPS like cod series, arma2 + bf3 but now looking to get back into flight sims.
I've got on my game shelf EF2000 and Falcon both jet-jockey stuff and they are very complex. Not tried them yet on w7. -
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Chin up Kira forget the Tuckburgers, the throttle detent and dream of Kylie's little gold shortz. mmmmnnnnnn lol ps thanks for the tips.
Thanks Snacko I've just downloaded that and I'll give it a whirl in the morning. Looks great. regards PS . Just tried it from my desktop download location but i'm not sure where I'm suposed to direct it too. After moving things about on install.and adding all the patches/mods, well actually they were all done through TeamViewer. so I'm a little unsure where I want to point it. I think I need to find my config file is that correct? In the mean time I go read any install instruction off the download site. OOOOPS "I ran out of altitude, airspeed and ideas all at the same time!" Cheers
After some bumps and circuits, well a lot more bumps than circuits I began to think I would need a new Jstik. Then I noticed on the hardware screen for input the dispaly shows a green and a red square for movement. Kerbunga, I could see how the curve figures related to control surface movement. The red square was actual Jstik movement whilst the green square was the control surface movement. I had always felt there was a big dead zone in the middle of the stik so I increased my curve values to the mid point and slowly ramped them up from there and that gave me a much better feel. I like it if when I move the Jstik my plane moves decernably. I'll probably need to tweak it some more but I can now line up and hold a target which before was very difficult. Now to do some sky bandit shooting practices. UP UP and AWAY
Yes used to have one of them for work but even with the big battery box it needed back up charging. In fact most of use used to leave it in the car and use the customer landline for calls.
The surest way to rid yourself of CRABS is to shave half your pubic hair off and then set fire to the other half and when they come scurrying out beat them to death with a slipper. QED.
Too shorten my name tag, Barns or Barnie could do I'll give it some more thought
It was good to fly and die last night. I got a few shots off but only did severe cloud damage and some field ploughing with my nose on landings, but it was all in good fun. I'll get all my keys mapped to what I want today as trying to fly a mixture of original with new was not good. B16Enk thatnks for your curve control figures which I have been tweaking more to my liking over the last few days and they now look very similar to yours. I'll confirm just in case there are any big variances. Tally ho
Cheers Gents, [Delta, Arthur & Crash] to name just a few, some good info there. Talk about ASK AND YE SHALL FIND.
Arthur I never knew that........ there is a little hole just below the trigger well I never, yes that describes what I am getting. I have had the force feedback enabled and disabled I'll try it again disabled to see if that helps. Just been trying it in the microsoft flight and it does work/feel smoother on that so probably the stick is ok it's my settings that may need some tweaking. thanks
CRASH -=- WHEN i SET IT UP IN THE DEVICES WINDOW ALL BUTTONS WORK OK. JABO -=- I'VE NOT TRIED IT ON ANY OTHER GAMES but I will do to test it. It has been sat in the open for about 18 months so it might be full of dust etc. I'll get the hoover/blower out and give it some. To be a bit crude out of game the stick is like a limp dick flopping all over the place then suddenly it gets an errection and stands up straight in the centre, then it goes all limp again. lol That's how it is in game too, one minute I have control then the next it's gone. Now where have I put my can of electrolube. Also just noticed that the green light on the base changes in intensity matching its changed state. limp = dim and bright = stiff/errect. When it's bright I can feel spring resistance in all directions when I move the stick but when it goes dim the sticks limp.and useless.
Morning. I'm up and flying and mapping/binding my keys then trying to remember what I have bound to what. The latter not good when you are needing a fast response from the pilot. I still have one major difficulty which is with my sidewinder force feedback joystick. It all works including the force feedback if I select it in game but the the main axial controls seem very insensitive and varying in how they operate. sometimes it feels like for the same given stick movement, in straight and level I get a different amount of reaction. I'm trying to adjust my curves but so far that doesn't seem to be helping mutch. My setup just now makes for rather jerky turns or changes in direction. I have no dead spot set ie slider all the way left but when flying the stick suddenly files like it's got a huge dead spot or it has lost all control then it suddenly kicks in again. However if I use the keyboard it is much more instant and smoother. Any one who uses the sidewinder got any set=up tips? Regards EDIT just read that those curve settings can all be equal ie like 40 40 40 I'll give that a try to see if that helps. ?? should I have done anything in the hotas section??? because apart from looking in there I've not adjusted any thing there.
Well thank you very much gents using TeamView was a breeze.. I'm all modded and patched up and had a little dabble up in the sky until I got into a flatspin nose down, throttle back with left rudder and pray but didn't pull out until 20ft above the sea. I then tip stalled into the water in panic. I need to set up my JS sidewinder and review the other ingame keys. At the moment my JS is physically off to the right so I need to reposition it a bit nearer my screen. I'll get some rolling take offs done and map work too. Thanks again for all the assistance given. DD_Barnaby
Teamviewer added. Why not just use remote access of the PC? However it is very smooth and simple. answering my own question here>>>
Ok will be there thanks Jabo.
Ok here's a Sit-Rep I've got my IL-2 game file sat at C:/ and not as was in the program file. I've also D/L the MegaPatch and 4.11 and 4.11.1 and they are sitting on my desktop for easy access. I've also got a vanilla of the original game just incase, held in a folder also on my desktop for now. One thing the two 4.11 files are both saying unassigned and look like they are waiting for me to authorise them, could this be why the CheckMods was failing.. Do I need to run them as admin as right clicking them shows different options when compared to the megapatch. So what's my next step, the megapatch looks fine as it has one folder and looks like I just add it to my IL-2 folder @ C: There is just an application in there called RunMe. Need some help here.