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About Mosh

  • Birthday 10/20/1989

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    Baltimore, MD, U.S.
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  1. Just a quick question, do you guys still use UP3? And should I just patch this over my existing 4.11.1 or should I have a non-HFSX version of it?
  2. http://www.liveleak....=ace_1338726717 I'm not sure the language in the video. I know that it was found in Norway. The plane apparently had crashed on landing. Also worth noting it's the only "surviving" plane of it's type.
  3. Wow, thanks I wish I had this a while ago.
  4. I approve. Very, very funny.
  5. I'm no learned expert in historical aircraft or metal prices. But I'd have to assume it would be worth more as a whole, as the plane, than as a pile of scrap metal.
  6. He had to have set that down rather gently for it to be in such good condition, well relative to how it could have been. I guess he had a pretty long walk.
  7. Awesome stuff. People are insane. I'm sure most people have seen this and its technically a plane landing but how would you like to witness this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?src_vid=TaFbk-RJrLI&annotation_id=annotation_304247&v=iRPHqaZO6HU&feature=iv
  8. Mosh

    London Visit

    Sounds fun, I'd love to visit London!
  9. Mosh

    New Guy

    Hello there Hog! You'll be pleased to know that I have only been flying with the DD for the better part of a week and a half and it's been great fun. It's also good to know I won't be the only new guy. Although from the sounds of thing you seem like a much better pilot than me, haha. We usually use either 4.11.1m or 4.10.1m with UltraPack3 and RC4. It's kind of a slight pain to install but I'm sure someone will help you through it. Looking forward to flying with ya.
  10. Yeah, I applied for this too because I figured it couldn't hurt.
  11. Well Mailliw is actually my first name backwards so calling me Will works just fine for now until I can come up with something more interesting. Also not quite sure where what PEB stands for?
  12. Hey guys, I'm slightly new to IL-2 (Although I wish I would have found out about it years ago) but I's love to fly with you guys sometime. I have a mic and teamspeak installed, and I'm working on installing the latest patches. Also if it matters I'm from the U.S. but I usually am online very random hours. My steam account is Mailliw2332 so if anyone would like to fly or anything just let me know
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