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3. Danger Dogz
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Flyboy583 last won the day on March 8 2012

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About Flyboy583

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  1. Hi Ross, You want to look at these guides for DCS. They are awesome with a guide for the Warthog https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=135765
  2. No idea.. but Checkmods seems to be working lovely... Sweeeeettttt
  3. Hey guys, Thnaks for the quick reply Im busy with Checkmods now.. All seems to be working ok Ill let you know how I get on!
  4. Jabo, I have attempted to download 4.11 three times now.. Every attempt gets to about 495MB then the file opens up. When I try and install the patch, it says the file is corrupt.. HELP!!
  5. Well, this looks like a good place for me to start as a dog that has been MIA for a loooong time.. Jabo, great post and easy to follow... Updating my dusty copy of IL2 now...
  6. Ok, after work is good for me! Can you do either Monday or Tuesday next week?
  7. Thinking about it logically, it now makes a lot of sense.. Cheers Jabo! Mate I am in Coventry every week, actually spend some time at Coventry Airport last week... Lunch time is probably best for you? How about next Monday or Tuesday... Also wanted to chat to you about a flight sim group in Burton Latimer. There is a chap that builds simulators, he has a 737NG, Jetranger... and wait for it... a BF109 running on IL2... you have to come and see it! He is also building a Spit I want you to come with me in March (Second Sat) to show you his toy.. and do a couple of flights in it!!
  8. Hey Brando.. quick question.. what is the benefit of crossfire two 6950`s?
  9. Guys, I know of 2 x Radeon HD 6950 graphic cards going if anybody is interested. £90 for each card. I can vouch for this card as I have one and it is superb! I think it is a good price so wanted to let the DD know.. PM if interested and Ill pass on the contact details. http://www.amd.com/uk/products/desktop/graphics/amd-radeon-hd-6000/hd-6950/Pages/amd-radeon-hd-6950-overview.aspx
  10. Dear 1C Forum Member! 1C Announces Partnership with 777 Studios to create 1C Game Studios and develop IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad 1C is proud to take the next step in flight-simulation history with 777 Studios, a company and team that has grown to be one of the best flight-simulation developers in the world with its project Rise of Flight (http://riseofflight.com). We look forward to bringing a new era of development and spirit of enjoyment to the combat flight-simulation community together. Battle of Stalingrad will include both single-player and multi-player scenarios for virtual pilots to enjoy as well as brand new gameplay modes. Initial client release is slated for early 2014 with add-on content and additional features and theatres to follow. You can read the full announcement on the official website of the game located at Il2sturmovik.net. Please note that the upcoming title will also have a new forum dedicated entirely to IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad. We would like to invite to come and visit the new IL-2 Sturmovik forum (http://forum.il2sturmovik.net), where you will find additional information about the project and will be able to ask questions and chat with the developers. Best regards, 1C Game Studios team
  11. Jesus, I might just have to buy two!!!! Brando, you have now created a problem for me... Christmas presents for the kids or 2 monitors for me... mmmmmmm
  12. Hey Nick, Nothing wrong with your choice of monitor, but have you considered this? http://www.pcworld.co.uk/gbuk/aoc-e2450swda-full-hd-23-6-led-monitor-14866074-pdt.html I have an AOC monitor and cant fault it at all... plus side it is cheaper I am looking at adding to my 19" LED AOC monitor and am currently considering this one... Now there is also this if you want to go over the top http://www.pcworld.co.uk/gbuk/aoc-e2795vvh-full-hd-27-led-monitor-12655894-pdt.html And lastly dont forget good `ol Ebay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SAMSUNG-LS24B350HS-EN-Full-HD-24-LED-Monitor-/290794666532?pt=UK_Computing_ComputerComponents_Monitors&hash=item43b4b67a24 http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_sacat=0&_from=R40&_nkw=aoc+monitor&rt=nc&LH_ItemCondition=3 Just my 2c worth PS.. PM on its way 2 you...
  13. Hi All, I have finally bought a TRACKIR Not had time to play with it much, but just wondering if anybody has a profile for COD that would be willing to share? I have a TRACKIR 5. Any help is greatly appreciated. Rgds Leon
  14. So the first day of the flight sim event was today... It was absolutely brilliant!!! Attached are some photos.. If any of you get the opportunity to go tomorrow..... THEN DEFINITELY GO!! Ill be back next year! I would suggest the danger dogs go and display at the show... all exhibitors can have a display FREE OF CHARGE!!
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