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Everything posted by danjama

  1. danjama

    Salute To Bg

    I only want to add, that reading through this topic tonight has really touched me. It's such a beautiful reflection of the man himself.
  2. danjama

    Salute To Bg

    I posted this over at Ubi, but I want to copy it here too, so that it's not missed. How saddening it is that i'm logging in (registering at these forums) today to reply to this topic. I've been involved in il2 online for many years, and have met many friends I otherwise wouldn't have, and I respect and value all of them. Though I have never held a lengthy conversation with or hours of profound tongue wagging with BG or - Jim, I still consider him a friend, and a decent, proud person, a person whose presence I have always appreciated here on the (ubi) forum. I flew with the DD's a few times, in 2010, but never got the chance to again, for various reasons (but the times i did fly with them, were always refreshingly relaxed and really fun, compared to other squads and servers). However, he made a great impression with me while on comms, and I am honestly saddened inside to read about these events - they couldn't be more remote in relation to my life, but they still have had this effect on me. I now wish I spent more time getting to know him, and actually, I feel the same way about alot of people in my own life. I don't know the situation...if a recovery is possible, but I will hope for it as hard as I can. I wouldn't want him stolen away from his family and loved ones. If he does have to leave them, then i'll just say well done to him, for being the man that he is, to his family and loved ones, and maybe i'll see him on the other side. The great mystery that is death could now be upon him, and i'm sorry. Tally Ho', BG.
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