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  1. Can't live without it. I've been doing quite a bit of modding to my UP 3.0 already and after making a tiny change to my FOV changer it started working again so I don't know exactly what fixed it. I'll tell you this though, many of the mods were as simple as copying them from the old MODS folder to the new #UP# folder though some do require a little more work. I've gotten about a dozen mods installed right now as well as several cockpit and map repaints. Its looking good now and I am a happy camper. Well just for the record the issue with the FOV changer seems to be hit or miss. If I start the game and it is working it works fine as long as I don't exit the game. If I start the game and it's not working I have to relaunch the game and then if it works I think it stays working but never had this issue in 4.101 so something is definitively effecting it in UP 3.0. Could be the new executable. I would like feedback from other San's FOV changer users. Have you experienced any issues since the changeover? Also can someone please confirm if the FOV changer is necessary anymore or is UP 3.0 capable of rendering the 3d in true 16:10 now? Hey Mayhem, I don't know but I would love not having to use San's FOV changer (is UP 3.0 capable of rendering the 3d in true 16:10 now?). On my system, both on single player and Multiplayer mode, sometimes I get it to work great and sometimes it doesn't. I have to end the game and restart it a couple of times (not always) to get it to work . It didn't work for me with the U_platinum Universal mod on. MT Ah, well at least I don't seem to be the only one. Completely restarting the game usually fixes it for me and then the problem doesn't come back. Still, it's pretty annoying as you don't know till the coop starts whether its ok or not. If I remember correctly running regular 4.101 it still works just fine all the time so it's just with UP 3.0 that the issue pops up. Still haven't gotten an answer as to if UP 3.0 renders anything other then 4:3 which surprises me with all the heads around here. I looked in the release note but didn't see anything about it so I am assuming it won't with the widescreen mod which is probably only for the menus. I can't tell by just looking at the game. I confirm the issue. I did not have lot of time for tests so I did not discover myself that the (several) game restart(s) really works. However as I predicted this as the possibility, it IMHO proves my original suspicion that the problem is caused by two same-named il2fb.exe. If you take a look into task manager, UP 3 switcher (I expect) runs under the name il2fb.exe along the name itself, so you have two il2fb.exe in the task manager window. When you browse FOV changer tabs carefully (or maybe it is the output of the Test button, do not know now from my head), you find the link to the Il-2 executable somewhere alongside the port number. So I suspect FOV changer to connect to the running .exe somehow. If it (randomly) chooses the game, it works normally. If it chooses the switcher, it does not work. In this case the go/nogo should be statistical (random), and the chance of "good" start should be roughly 1:1. Can someone confirm these figures, please. In the case it is conformed, the remedy would be easy - UP 3 maintainers should just run the switcher as the other-named task... I filled bug report for the UP 3 when I started google searches today and will cross-link this thread there now as well, as it has reports confirming my original idea.
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