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Everything posted by Birdawg

  1. Hey There Navy, see you are in Alabama, What Part? Im Pretty new to the Dogz Also

  2. Thanks for the link, i was wondering if i needed to step up each up3 patch, good to know that you can jump to rc4, thanks again

  3. Thanks for the link, i was wondering if i needed to step up each up3 patch, good to know that you can jump to rc4, thanks again

  4. also, where can i get the rest of up3 original release? only part 1 is listed here. and i cant find any of the previous version prior to rc4 on the Ultrapack site. they are only listing rc4, and i need to increment the patches up to rc4, at least thats what i believe. or can i just jump straight up to rc4?

  5. also, where can i get the rest of up3 original release? only part 1 is listed here. and i cant find any of the previous version prior to rc4 on the Ultrapack site. they are only listing rc4, and i need to increment the patches up to rc4, at least thats what i believe. or can i just jump straight up to rc4?

  6. my Il2 crashed the other night and the stock 410 would not start, yet when i activate up3 rc4, it starts and runs fine. so im doing a fresh install with my backup 410.01 copy

  7. my Il2 crashed the other night and the stock 410 would not start, yet when i activate up3 rc4, it starts and runs fine. so im doing a fresh install with my backup 410.01 copy

  8. hey Jediteo, do you know where i can download the original up3 files and rc2. i have rc 3 and 4 clients but i deleted the original release and rc2, and i cant find them on the ultrpack site, they only have rc4 patch listed

  9. B16Enk, im having to to a fresh install for Il2, Something happened and the stuld not start, but if i activated up3 rc4, it worked fine. so i deleted il2 and started over with my backup vanilla copy that is already patched up to 410.01, but i am missing i have up3, rc3, and rc4, but am missing rc2. and i cant find it online. do you have a copy?

  10. B16Enk, im having to to a fresh install for Il2, Something happened and the stuld not start, but if i activated up3 rc4, it worked fine. so i deleted il2 and started over with my backup vanilla copy that is already patched up to 410.01, but i am missing i have up3, rc3, and rc4, but am missing rc2. and i cant find it online. do you have a copy?

    1. Jediteo


      The RC4 is cumulative, all you need is to pop that in and you are done.

  11. Birdawg


    Dont think i havent thought of it. Definetly need some kinda forced feed back setup.
  12. Birdawg


    LOL Thanks. I am guilty of being a kid at heart. Thats how we stay young rite?
  13. Birdawg


    it did freak it out a little, the one time i tried wearing it. The windows behind me are the worst tho, i Had to completly seal around the edges to keep out the sunlight.
  14. woke up with Il 2 withdrawals this morning

    1. Tonar


      I feel for you Birdawg... I also have been shaking and sweating. At least the Dogzfight ladder gives me a mini fix.

  15. Im a proud Daddy to a new Baby Girl!!! Caroline Grace. Born July 20 at 1140

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jediteo


      Congratulations Birdawg!

    3. Birdawg


      Thanks Guys, I should be back up and flying next week.

    4. Birdawg


      Snacko, my grandma's name was also Grace. Wow

  16. Birdawg


  17. Birdawg

    My first flight

    From the album: Hobbies

    My first time to fly a plane. I was 20.
  18. Birdawg


    From the album: Hobbies

    My wife got me this aviation cap and goggles for Fatheres day, and yes, I have worn it while flying Il 2.
  19. is in training

  20. Birdawg

    Track Ir

    That Did it!!!! SHIFT F1 Fixed it, Thanks Hi, 6Dof only works when you toggle the gunsight (as in the Bf109)
  21. Birdawg

    Track Ir

    I just got a Track IR5 and im only getting 3DOF. Ihave all 6DOF in the TRACK IR Driver. I have a Downloaded version of IL2, patched all the way up to 410.01 and then installed Direct2drive fix, then installed UP3 rc, and them the rc2 hotfix. Everything is working fine except for the track Ir. I have the Enable 6DOF Track IR box checked. Any help would be much appreciated.
  22. Birdawg


    I'll build ya one. I would have to find another keyosk arm. The blue part you see in the pic. that what finished the chair off. I got lucky and found it in our shop at work. They were gonna thow it away. It used to be attached to a copier machine with a keyboard and monitor, used to keep track of copier jobs and account numbers. Ive got the touch screen monitor that was with it too, but i cant figure out how to get it to work with my PC. its only about 9 inches and would be good to use as a touch control panel or something.
  23. Birdawg

    lightning 2

  24. Birdawg

    Dragon Slayer

    I didnt have to pour much money into the chair. I did all the cutting and welding myself, from mostly scrap metal. The seat itself was from a hovearound chair a buddy gave me after his dad passed away. but in all, including the second monitor, about a 1200us. I have plans for the hovearound chair base too, but it'll be awhile before i start on that.
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