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3. Danger Dogz
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    United States

About Coco

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  1. My name is Coco, I'm sure some have heard of me already. I've been a friend of Pooka's since high school and introduced him to IL-2 back in the early 2000s. I think we were flying IL-2, the original, I stayed and flew off line and Pooka went on to fly with the Dogz and has slowly brought me up to date. I have a newer computer, joystick (MSFFB2) and know of Teamspeak. Plan on purchasing TrackIR and a CH Throttle in the near future. About myself, I live in The Republic of Texas, but originally from Wisconsin, retired USMC, children moved on and now have a small sheep farm. What ever else needs to be done, I'll await instructions.. Coco
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