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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Gustang

  1. Played a couple hours of MP last night in the Rush and Conquest modes. Got my arse handed to me (as expected), but had a ton of fun running around with Spark while trying to figure out what was going on. It wasn't easy to log off for the night. To start, I played the single player campaign to familiarize myself with the keys and some of the weapons. The campaign is OK, it plays like a movie with a typical linear progression, but the animation of the characters is immediately noticeable as superior to most anything we've played before. The facial expressions and textures are amazing. I watched the room (office) I was in fall apart due to bullet impact and explosions and sheets and shreds of paper flew into the air. The concrete barrier I was taking cover behind was chipped away until it couldn't provide cover any more. If you like playing the FPS type of games at all, and enjoy multiplay, this isn't one to miss. The level of graphics, huge amount of animations, destructible environments and multiple game types make it well worth the purchase.
  2. I picked up the pre-order and installed it last night. Looking forward to kicking it around later. The reviews are overwhelmingly positive, so there must be some fun in there, somewhere. If you want to hook up later (not much opportunity this week) PM me for my origin ID
  3. Bah, I thought my eyes were half-closed when the flash went off! Oh well... Anyway, many thanks again, Joe (and WF), for the evening and for footing the (entire) bill! It was a good time and I'm glad we got a chance to sit for a while.
  4. All good info. I really enjoy interviews like this. Thanks for sharing it.
  5. I was wondering who the dude was with the stripey bell-bottoms pants, fuzzy vest, burning incense smell and sitar music that follows him everywhere he goes was. Welcome Joe! Heavy!
  6. Gustang

    Hawk Vs P-51

    I found this video of a hawk (personally, I'm not sure that's a hawk) attacking a p-51 rc model on the RoF forums this AM. Action starts at ~ 3:14 enjoy!
  7. No big deal. Not sure if you're aware, but you're supposed to hand your beer off to someone when you say "hey guys, watch this!" You apparently need more practice with this drinking and flying business. I suggest something 80 proof or greater next time.
  8. Just wanted to say thanks again for creating and hosting last night, Zoi. I had a great time flying Oscars and Vals over the jungles of PNG, especially the attack on Port Moresby. It was a long flight there and back over mist-covered terrain, but when Prop and I made it back to base, I felt like I had accomplished something. I really like the dogfight-style starts matched with the (fairly) unpredictable placement of AI that DCG provides. Again, it'd be really cool if we match dogfight starts with SEOW, but that may be asking too much.
  9. Yes vote is in!
  10. Best wishes and good adventure, Jim. We'll catch up with you soon enough.
  11. Just wanted to say thanks for running this, Zoi. I had a great time hunting and the first mission seemed to go well with no losses to many mitchells bagged. The KI-43 is easy to fly and seems to do well despite the light armament. Looking forward to more!
  12. Sure beats a pair of horses and a plough! Well, at least while you have fuel for it. To most of us, farming seems simple enough, but in truth, it sure takes a shitepile of knowledge to do it well! cool stuff! thanks for sharing the pics.
  13. I really enjoy the spec-ops stuff too, with each team member with a particular role (assault, heavy, sniper, demo and medic) as long as it's not 20vs4 before the shite hits the fan. I guess it depends on the situation.
  14. I had a good time with this. Thanks for the fun!
  15. Pending no emergency, I'll be there!
  16. I should be on around then, (2 CST). FYI - I reinstalled Arma 2 CA clean and ran into the same "receiving data" eternal pause on Old Guards. After restarting the mission, I connected and could play. Not sure what that's about.
  17. Welcome, Zoi! Glad to see you decided to jump in! Now, where do I collect my referral cash?
  18. Hey Spark! Welcome! I brought you a beer, but I drank it.
  19. Link to ARMA II (FREE): http://www.arma2.com/free It's missing the ability to use mods though, and that ability pretty much makes the game worth playing over and over. Combined Arms (ARMA II and Operation Arrowhead) was only $20 a couple month ago, shouldn't be any worse now.
  20. I have ARMA II Combined arms and I'm interested; although Saturdays are unpredictable for me. I'm also looking for some others to (occasionally) play this mod: http://www.invasion1944.info/ BTW, I believe vanilla ARMA II is now free to play, so perhaps that's an angle to pursue.
  21. Gustang

    Salute To Bg

    BG (Jim), I’d hoped to have more opportunity to fly with you, but it sounds like you’re moving on to bigger and better things. You’ve clearly made a good impression on many here, so I’m sure you’ll do well. Best wishes in your future endeavors and travels. We’ll catch up with you soon enough. Put a good word in for us and remember you’re never more than a thought away. Salute! Gustang (Tim)
  22. Just wanted to reiterate that the I44 mod for ARMA II is big fun, especially when running around as a group in domination or warfare mode. The models are top-notch and there's lots of different equipment and vehicles to play around with. I have Operation Arrowhead too in anticipation of the next I44 release (for OA only).
  23. Yeah, a centered ball is a good indicator that a turn is properly coordinated. Of course watching the ball is just about the last thing on my mind in a furball. I think your choice to use rudder also depends on the type of turn you want: nose down or up. It may be less obvious in WWII aircraft, but rudder is incredibly important for the WWI aircraft in RoF, for instance. In the DR1, it's pretty tough to turn left without applying left rudder prior as the nose tends to go up sharply when starting a left turn, due to the rotating engine. Speaking of RoF, looking forward to flying tonight! (~9 EST)
  24. With as many updates as this game will require throughout its life, it's (probably) going to be a hassle to own a cracked copy for multiplay purposes anyway. It's another reason why I like the RoF method of distribution. Hacked multiplay is another good reason to grow your friends list
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