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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Pappy

  1. Hey guys, Im trying to put together a dogfight map in FMB, however I cant get any (non AI) planes to have any other loadout options other than Default. I want players to have the options of bombs and rockets but I cant seem to find the right settings. Can anyone give me a point in the right direction? Ive disabled the HB options for MDS but that didnt help either. Cheers, Thanks guys
  2. "Fighter group to Tower, we are unfamiliar with the area... Request direction to the airport"
  3. haha! Chuck made a visit to Iraq back in 07 when I was out there. Great guy!

  4. Pappy

    109 Cockpit

    Hey guys, For an assignment in one of my aviation classes, we are required to volunteer with an aviation related organization for 10-15 hours during the semester. I contacted the aviation museum that i posted pictures of a while back, and sat down with the membership manager for a little while. He showed me around the museum even though ive been there 3 times (no charge, and I'd never pass up an oppurtunity to see those planes again) Anyways, He took me to the 109, we climbed pass the chain, he propped open the cockpit and told me to climb on up and have a look! Wasnt allowed to sit inside, because the museum was still open, but it was Amazing! I had never seen a 109 cockpit that close before. Its smaller than what it appears in Il2. He also told me that the engine was actually designed inverted, meaning the spark plugs are located un the under side, and the pistons are pushed upwards, against gravity. Anyone have any ideas why? It was an awesome experience, I really with I had my camera with me..
  5. Hey guys, Just wanted to drop in and say Hello. Ive been absent for a couple weeks now.. This month has been a hurricane. Im moving in a couple weeks to a newer apartment with my Girlfriend, School starts at the end of the month also. And we have a friend visting us from belgium for a couple weeks. Ive been working 2 jobs (12 hour days) to try and max my income before school starts, which leaves little time for flying. once I move, and get settled in school with a more flexible schedule I hope I can start flying more.. Dont worry I still think about you guys (no homo) ha ha. I was thinking to myself today about an awesome campaign I would like to make. A Fictional invasion of the US.. What would happen if the Japanese invaded Hawaii, then the Western Seaboard.. What if the Nazis invaded from the East after invading England.. Could make a really interesting campaign I think... Now if only we had a US Map to play on.. Let me know some of your ideas, and on my freetime ill try to put together some mission..
  6. Trumpets play the sorrow sound of taps as I place my X45 flight system into the deep darkness of my closet. For over 5 years, he has given his loyal service for my entertainment. I think we all owe him a great debt of gratitude for his selfless sacrifice. After half a decade of fierce fighting and harsh treatment, he has given his last breath clearing the skies of inferior pilots and rookie level unarmed AI. With new OS's and a laundry list of driver issues, this seasoned veteran gracefully passed the torch to the ways of the new. However he will always be remembered as the reliable, workhorse he was. This afternoon I am picking up my new X52 and will be back in the skies before long. Please give a moment of silence this beautiful Saturday. *Salute*
  7. Hey guys, as most of you know, i just got out of the military. Well, i wanted to start college this term so i went down to the community college (Portland Community College) and I am pleased to announce they're wonderful Associates of Aviation Science/Piloting program. I am signed up for flight lessons starting the Winter term (had to take a few prerequisites first) and will be commercial certified with a CFI certificate by the end of the program (app 2 years from now) Im really excited about finally being able to do the real thing. Ive always wanted to fly and for the life of me, I dont remember why I joined the Marines instead of the Airforce (probably because I watched movies like Jarhead, Black Hawk Down, Saving Private Ryan, and Heartbreak Ridge) But anyways. Now is my chance to do it all for NO COST Thank you GI BILL! Just wanted to express my enthusiasm.. Let the congratulations begin
  8. C47, Paratrooper Transport F-14 Tomcat Sopwith Camel P40 FW190 A beautiful Spitfire B-17 Nose P51 Mustang The SPRUCEGOOSE! Compare its size to the Sopwith Camel in the lower left! ha ha Me in front of the ME-262 My girlfriend Celeste holding up a F4 Phantom! ha ha
  9. note: of course I plugged them back in after sanding! lol
  10. Yep, wired them in series. Worked well for a while, then when i unplugged them for a few minutes to sand down the tips trying to get a better signal, the 1st LED went dim. The other two still worked, so Im not sure, Like Perf said, its probably a piece of solder poking through my insulation. Ill look at it today sometime. I have plans to go to the McMinnville air museum! http://www.sprucegoose.org/ Dont know if any of you have heard of hit. Last time I went it was still being put together, now the Spruce Goose is its main exhibit as well as a SR 71 and many others! Ill take some pictures! Thanks again for all your help with the track stuff guys. I really hope its an easy fix. I started getting a headache trying to calibrate it perfectly last night lol my brain isnt use to flying while keep my head completly still! haha
  11. Note: I just went to radio shack and got a 10 ohm 1/4 (was using 1/8) 5% I replaced the 4.7 ohm 1/8 5% and It still feels hot
  12. Well, You may have been right.. According to the calc im using the right level.. But ive just finished putting it all together and the resistor is getting way too hot.. I was using a 4.7ohm Mayhem said with his 9v power supply he was using a 220 ohm resistor... Any ideas on a good safe resistor level? I was so close to being done! lol I wanted to use it tonight
  13. 5mm IR Emitter 1.3v - 1.7v 150 ma 5V USB Power source For a 1.5V, the calculator says 3.3 ohms, but i couldn't find one. For a 1.4 V it says use a 5.6. I found the happy medium of 4.7. Any ideas? I verified with the calculator.
  14. Status update: Went back to radioshack, got my 16$ back, haha. Then went to Fry's Electronics and found a adequate resistor. 4.7 Ohms 1/8 watt My original design was to use the clothes hanger method on a ball cap. However when rummaging through my drawers I made a great find. The tip of a BIC ballpoint pen is exactly 5mm! A perfect fit to extend and hold my LEDs. So ive modified my design, emptied and cut 3 BIC pen casings and will be attaching them to my already uncomfortable headset. (probably with electrical tape.) Ive got my positive and ground wires measured and cut for the tubes, all I have to do is attache the LEDs, connect the wires (my first time soldering, If you guys dont hear from me after this weekend, call the fire department), throw in my resistor, and then attach it all to the headset. Thanks for all the help and ideas guys. Im actually having more fun researching and making this thing than i probably will using it! well.. maybe not... Im looking forward to tracking you all soon. Muwahahahaha
  15. Thanks for the help guys. I went shopping today and got most of the parts i needed. My local radioshack employees must be extra special because they overcharged for the webcam I got so I need to go back now. But they didnt have the resistor I was looking for. Theres ones more electronic store around here I need to check before just ordering it online. Heres a list of my supplies: 1 pack of shrink tubing (will be using for insulation) 7$ 3 IR LED emitter & receiver (they didnt have any of just IR emitters, o well extra parts for later projects) 9$ 1 Logitec Quick Cam $24 (Charged me 40 those bastards!) Total: 40$ essential tools needed also 1 hobby level basic soldering set : 8$ 1 USB 2.0 Hub (Im outta ports! ) 22$ Not bad Id say. Only about a dollar for my resistor once I find it! Hopefully by this weekend it will be ready to test!
  16. Just got home for 20 minutes to change and eat before starting my shift on my 2nd job.. Am I the only one who still thinks about flying during the day at work? except for real pilots.. I sure hope they're thinking about flying while at work... lol
  17. Apparantly Im the only pilot who doesnt have TrackIR at the moment . haha Trout talked to me about building my own and gave me a rough idea of how to do it. I did some research online and had some questions. I know perf and trout built there own together, so i know it can be done. lol 1: Using a USB cord as your power source only provides 5v of power. If you need 3 LEDs running at 3v per, how do you power them? Is it acceptable or even possible to use lower voltage LEDs? 2: relating to question 1, will i need a resistor if my 5v of power are not exact to what the LEDs use? ie: 5v USB powering 3 1v LEDs. (2 volts remaining) will that over power and blow the LEDs? 3: When wiring, Ive red the Red wire in USB is the hot (positive) and the Black is the neutral (ground) and the other shouldnt be needed. Is this accurate? Im sure ill have more questions later. just doing to tech and research before starting. Btw: I read the default IR LED (OSRAM SFH485P) take 3volts to power. Im assuming that is the standard. Right? Thanks guys, Pappy
  18. While doing some reading online about ACM tactics and different WWII aircraft variations, i realized that 95% of engagements within IL2 are below 5,000m (15,000 ft) a relatively low altitude. Heavy high power fighters like the P38, 47, and 51, where all designed with over 20,000 ft in mind. Same with the FW 190 if im not mistaken. Has anyone else noticed this? I would think those heavier planes would hold a severe Disadvantage when flying under 15,000 especially at slower speeds (<350 kph). Just wondering your thoughts on the subject. I know most people dont like to take 15-20 minutes to climb to 25,000 for a bomber intercept, especially when majority of the players are all only a few hundred feet about the ground. ~Pappy
  19. Im telling you, i saw AAA coming from that tower >) Anyways, had a great time flying with you guys last night. Boy Ive missed the teamwork and fun that comes with flying with a good group of pilots. Nothing better than drinking a few beers, destroying the enemy, and then basking in our own glory afterward. Truly a wonderful series of flights and Im looking forward to more soon! ~Pappy (aka: Church) lol
  20. Hey guys. I keep seeing posts about dangerdogz recruiting pilots. Besides my love of sheep, i have quite a bit of experience with IL2, including skin making, and some mission design. I took about a 5 year break from il2 (decided to join the military right outta high school) and now im back and looking for a good group of guys to fly with. Im so sick of killing alone. Id like to share the glory. Semper Fidelis, Pappy
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