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Everything posted by AndyJWest

  1. Gentlemen As a newly-arrived member of the Dogz, I was expecting to find a diverse group of people, with a wide range of views on all sorts of topics, and being the rabid ex-trot that I am, was not expecting to find many who would agree with me on political issues (I often don't even agree with myself....). I was, however, expecting some degree of moderation at least in postings to topics, given this, from 'Standing Orders..or how we like to try and do things.......' (http://www.dangerdogz.com/forums/index.php/topic,6623.0.html) Even allowing for the 'bit of slack' for Jensen Park, I still feel that what has been said on this topic goes beyond what I feel ought to be acceptable. As I say, this is my opinion, and I realise this is a contraversial issue, but if the sort of language that has been used on this topic is considered by the Dogz to be reasonable, then regretfully, I can not remain a member. I very much regret this, as my personal dealings with all the Dogz I've met online have without exception been cordial, and I have been given far more assistance than I could reasonably expect. I was hoping to get to know you all better, at which point no doubt you would have ripped into my politics, and no doubt much else besides. This is no doubt par for the course, and I would expect to reply in kind. What has been going on on this forum is however beyond anything I would like to associate myself with, and it would be totally dishonest of me not to express my deep distaste over this issue. To be brutally frank, I consider several postings to be overtly racist, intolerant of any cultural
  2. Seems to me that once you had enough forward speed, you could rely on the wings to provide lift, and stop the rotor entirely: no retreating blade stall (no retreating blade at all...). I'm not sure about the practicalities of this though, as the aerodynamic loads on the rotors would probably rip the forward facing one(s) off. Might be simpler to leave the rotor off altogether...
  3. What's it supposed to do?
  4. Without giving too much credence to the wilder conspiracy theories about the Lockerbie bombing, I'd like to suggest that there appears to be at least some evidence that al-Megrahi was innnocent.
  5. From watching his track, MadTrooper's way of getting out of the spin looks far simpler than mine. From in-cockpit view, it looks like the stick is actually left in neutral until recovery, which has got to beat the mad stick-pumping I was doing. Quite why deploying flaps works I don't know, but next time, I'll try it. Does this work on a P-40 too? That can catch you out as well, though I think it is a little easier to recover - I'll have to try it and see...
  6. Well, it was different anyway. I was going to suggest that you at least bail out, to enjoy the view on the way down. Unfortunately, as I've just remembered, this doesn't work. You leave the aircraft in the normal way (some sort of matter transporter that moves you through the aircraft skin with the door shut), and drop below it as you fall away - then your parachute opens, the P-39 catches up with you, and collapses your parachute..... On a more serious note I seem to recall actually getting a late-model P-39 out of a flat spin once, by pumping the elevator up and down. I'll try to reproduce this, and provide a track. Edit ------ Took 3 attempts, but I did it (in a P39D-1 I think) Download of .ntrk available here: http://www.datafilehost.com/download-6c955243.html
  7. I joined BadAim's server today (Wednesday night) and while flying coop, discovered an infallible way to avoid the notorious P-39 spin problem... The technique is quite simple - get well above your target, and dive towards him. Ignore the shuddering, and start praying. As you exceed VNE, bits will start to fall off. Ideally, you will then lose one elevator, and one aileron. As you approach your target, ensure your shot counts, as you are strictly TnB now. Having destroyed your target (I got a Ju 88, honest), head for home. Do not engage enemy fighters, as your roll rate is about as good as the average oil tanker's, while elevator response is if anything worse. You can put in any control input whatever, with no chance of spinning, or indeed carrying out any manouvre that a fully loaded refuse cart couldn't. I didn't actually get to land as the server died on us, but I think it would have been possible, if not very elegant. There is a slight flaw in this tactic, in that you may lose other control surfaces instead, or indeed break up in the air, but the unorthodoxy of the manouvre, should you get away with it, is well worth the risk, just for entertainment value. Seriously though guys, I had a great time. Thanks to BadAim for running the server, and to you all for putting up with the antics of a noob without laughing too much, and look forward to next time. Andy. Edit --- 'TnB' above should clearly read 'ZnB' - I'm getting my TLA's all mixed up again
  8. AAA mods install seems to have gone ok, am now opening BEER (John Smiths Original Bitter - canned I'm afraid, but just about drinkable, and it is 1.42am!). Only had a quick look at new flyables & channel map (is this reduced scale?) & confirmed Spit MkI engine quits if you fly inverted. Looks interesting - do the flying boats work properly? I'll have to find out for myself - if you hear a splash, followed by a wimper, you'll know I've tried one. I don't think that joining you old dogs online tomorrow is going to be practical(I have a friend coming over), but I should think I can make the Thursday session, and look forward to being shot into tiny pieces. If I have any problems, I'll post to the appropriate thread. Now, back to the beer your health, gents. Andy
  9. FoolTrottel: thanks for that - it looks very useful. (can't find the clapping smiley....) Tribunus: college in California in the '60's? I think that explains a lot... I'm in the process of downloading all the AAA installer files now - hadn't realised how big they were, I suspect I'll break the internet soon, or at least bring down the national grid. Back on topic - haven't had Newcastle Brown for many years - used to drink it in student bars, not that I was a student at the time. I don't know if there are decent 'real ale' brewers anywhere in the States. Probably not the demand, and it rarely travels well, so a bottled beer like Nukey Brown, or an Indian Pale Ale (brewed originally to send to the colonies) has got to be your best bet, if you do get a craving for the stuff. I think I should stop writing about beer, as it is making me thirsty, and I'm supposed to be cutting down.
  10. It's certainly my intention to fly with the Dogz - In fact I think it might be the safest place for me, as I've been spanked today for being a bad boy on the Ubi forum (whimper). I've got to sort out an AAA mods installation of IL-2 (I've seen the help topics on this) , but if that is working, I'll try to join you all during the week... Please feel free to sneak up on my six and fill me with holes, my SA is still a tad lacking so I'm cannon/.50 cal fodder
  11. If a newly-arrived young Whelp (not that young really...) can express an opinion, I'd suggest that proper beer - real ale - should taste slightly of orange marmalade. A pint of London Pride please....
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