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Everything posted by Ash

  1. Hey BG, Just heard about your news from Arthur, the Dogz community spreads its net wide and always looks after its own - which is the highest praise anyone can pay as it all stems from your guidance and the ideals I think we all share as your Dogz. I sincerely hope all comes through for you and Helen, my thoughts are with you both. Ash
  2. Mornin All! Saw this on my mooch of the news pages this morning & know some of you Spit fans will prob appreciate it http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-11004370?ls Also saw these the other day whilst looking for a new watch strap!! http://www.christopherward.co.uk/af/raf-specials.html Should be home again soon & looking forward to catching up with you guys online! Cheers Ash
  3. if BG's blood smells like cologne - it must be Old Spice . . . .!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekn36qfsi74 ps: I've heard rumour that this ad was filmed in one continuous take on BG's estate
  4. Thanks BG!
  5. anybody know if the new 10.3 drivers are any good?
  6. well, there is a smattering of cheekiness! But the plot & missions are very well written too!
  7. Hey Guys, Mentioned this on co-ops tonite: (US) http://www.amazon.com/Gray-Eagles-Duane-Unkefer/dp/0688049729 (UK) http://www.amazon.co.uk/Gray-Eagles-Duane-Unkefer/dp/0333400046/ref=sr_1_16?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1269387025&sr=8-16 couple of reviews under US page - am finding it a pretty good fiction read, & dead cheap on Amazon used bookstore! Cheers Ash
  8. you guys have clocks? flash b*stards . . . . . . .
  9. Done! Eight shiny new training vids in the vault Ash
  10. I have all eight of this guys training videos & they're all very good. If anyone's interested and someone could point me the way I'd be happy to load them up to the vault if thats ok? & before anyone whose seen me fly says it - yup, I know I need to watch them more
  11. Next time your wife, girlfriend, siginicant other, fave , etc says you should spend more time with them instead of flying just run through the following equation with them to demonstrate that you are mathematically proven to be better off playing Il2 and immediately return to your game a happy man in the knowledge that your soul is safe for another day:
  12. that would be one reason why I'm not married yet . . . .
  13. and finally . . . .
  14. and some . .
  15. a few more here . . . .
  16. Worked like a charm - thanks guys ~S~ Ash
  17. I'll give it a big thumbs up just cos the bird I fancy is a bit taller than me too
  18. ~S~ Snacko, Many thanks for the concise reply
  19. Hi Guys, Anyone know what the deal is with campaigns and the new mod setup we're running? Will old campaigns work? ie: Spit n'Fire, & other 4.08 B or M versions etc? Just thinking about the quicker loading times & prettier effects
  20. version 5.0 click tools, then 'enter flight simulator' and choose F16 jet or SR22 prop.
  21. version 5.0 click tools, then 'enter flight simulator' and choose F16 jet or SR22 prop.
  22. Ash


    Hey Zooly,
  23. Ash


    Hey Zooly,
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