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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by erWatson

  1. Here are some more shots: (clickable thumbs) I can't wait for the next Nvidia drivers. They supposedly FINALLY support "Surround Gaming" for 3 screens + SLI. Triple-head without a Matrox product or Eyefinity. If not my other option is to continue the use of SoftTH and get a 3'rd PCI-e video card (as a 'dummy' card). Currently I have to disable SLI to use 3 screens because I only have 2 PCI-e video cards, and the card doing the rendering starts to suffer at 3840x1024 or 4800x1200.
  2. I've had pretty good luck with this tool. Previously for a triple head setup it cut off a lot of the top and bottom making the game unplayable at these wide-screen resolutions. edited for clickable thumbs
  3. Hey, A few friends and I want to set up a dedicated server for us using the UltraPack. Are there any guides for this? I haven't had a chance to look at things and the person doing the server can't figure it out.
  4. Has anyone seen this? Would be crazy if it were in IL-2. Probably pretty easy to hit with cannons. http://englishrussia.com/?p=2231
  5. erWatson

    Re: ~S~

    That was funny how the other day we were flying the F84 Thunderjet I flipped on the TV later that day there was a special on the Thunderjet on the Military Channel's Greatest Planes series in which they talked about the same things I noticed with the F84 and the improvements that led to the
  6. erWatson

    Re: ~S~

    ended up re-installing everything, but didn't install the 408 patch before 409 so had to start over again.
  7. erWatson

    Re: ~S~

    ok, i think i found it. going to re-install UP. it looks like i have a 'JSGME-MODS' folder, and then since the 2.0 update i have another named 'jsgmemods' which doesn't seem right. but there is only 1 il2fb.exe file in either of the mod folders.
  8. erWatson

    Re: ~S~

    Just wondering which mods to run in the UP. i noticed with the 2.0 update running the sHr 6DOF Tracker mod everything in game is in Russian. :/
  9. erWatson

    Re: ~S~

    Quick question. Is this topic ( A Welcome to the DangerDogz! ) up to date? When i reinstalled all my IL-2 stuff on my new system a few friends had me move to to 1.09m and the UP modpack. NVM, found the thread on TS3 and UP2.0
  10. erWatson

    Re: ~S~

    Built a new computer a few months ago and have time to fly again! hopefully i will get to meet some of you.
  11. erWatson

    Re: ~S~

    work schedule changed and now i'm not around when the "welcome to the Danger Dogz!" thread lists that you fly. my old boss called me up and wanted to pay me more so i took it. couldn't argue with an extra several hundred $$ a week.
  12. erWatson

    Re: ~S~

    your mother told me. j/k you a real fireman?
  13. erWatson

    Re: ~S~

    ~S~ I have been playing IL2 off and on since its initial release, and just completed the Basic Flight School over at Joint-OPs in my search to take the game more seriously, and to break bad habits i've picked up.
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