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Everything posted by SmackZ

  1. Guess I will have to drop by tonight also
  2. sweet skins guys
  3. yep I noticed the panel lines to defined also.I tried using a lil off white to cure the bright effect but not off enough lol. The US markings was an accident as I took the screen shot and had the wrong country selected, it actually a British sopworth thats why the tail fin is blue white red. I havent actually appied the decals for GB yet. But thanx for the tips!
  4. first skin, not finished,but a good start, from a sopworth pic I found online
  5. And uh oh the new sig turned out alil bigger than planned!
  6. downloaded the fix for the ubi dl version and that took care of it,the whole install is working now.Installed
  7. getting the dl's now, one question though is I have the 4.08 digital dl of 1946 but I see peeps talking 4.08m is it the same version?
  8. LoL I forgot to index...lesson learned
  9. that might be it I think I saved in 16 bit
  10. Wuzzup folks,
  11. Umm thanx for the tips and yea followed a link from another forum here to meet up with some online prop guys (er..and or gals, no offense intended)lol I know its allot harder to fly with a reference point flying next to you Wanted to check out the DD scene as flying partners are not always so easy to come by these days when everyone wants to play with thier WeeWee I mean nintendo (again no offense)lol
  12. Well after buying PF stand alone without a lil recon and getting scolded by most for doing it I bought the IL2 1946 digital dl witch is version 4.08. I also dl'ed hyper lobby and created my account. I pointed HL to the FB and the exe for 1946 is this correct? As when I join a game it seems like the game wants to start but then nothing happens and I'm left in HL..thankful for any help...more info needed? just ask, be around all morning and want to fly today
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