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  1. But wait! There's MORE!!! Here's my pics; Good gravy I look utterly insane in that picture. INSAAAANNE!! Probably my best shot, shoulda taken more of that angle. Landing just as the sun was slipping below the horizon at the end of a VERY long flight, the crew looked really tired. A wider view. It taxied in slowly, guided by museum personnel. Thanks JP for the great tip!!
  2. Hey Squawk! Yes it is the exact same Lanc, 30 years apart.
  3. That would be an Avenger. They are MASSIVE for single engined A/C. It was lost along with a flyable Spit and Hurri when the very hangar in the picture BURNED in the early 90's. The Lanc was luckily on its gear and was dragged away from the flames by volunteers. Close one!
  4. Yes, well done. I was all over this beast when it was in Edmonton, took a ton of pics but my camera is just adequate. I got to take the sequel to one of my old pics;
  5. I met Kelly for a beer today in Edmonton, he is without his PC or good net access and I was ranting and raving about all the new planes. I am SO glad to see the S.79!! On another note we are poised for VIP access to the CWH Lancaster which will be flying here Friday. I will be camped out by the runway awaiting its arrival....
  6. Thanks JP. I'll try to get Wednesdays off, but IMAX is a harsh taskmistress.
  7. Thanks JP. I'll try to get Wednesdays off, but IMAX is a harsh taskmistress.
  8. Hi All, Checking back in after months offline, yes a move to Edmonton and a divorce is involved. Are there still Wednesday co-ops? How about the weekend, too bad I always work weekends. Hi also to JP, seems you are in Edmonton too now, go figure. I also have a new rig, X-52 and pedals, and TrackIR 4 which is a real mind-blower!
  9. Hi All, Checking back in after months offline, yes a move to Edmonton and a divorce is involved. Are there still Wednesday co-ops? How about the weekend, too bad I always work weekends. Hi also to JP, seems you are in Edmonton too now, go figure. I also have a new rig, X-52 and pedals, and TrackIR 4 which is a real mind-blower!
  10. Ding dang it. All moved in at the new place, but looks like I will be working evening shift....for months!!! Can't wait to transfer to day shift, when that happens, I'll be back.
  11. Sorry I missed last Wednesday's flight, I was really looking forward to it. I am in the middle of moving, it may be a while before I'm back online and sorted out. Hopefully I'll have better ping! I'll be just south of Goose on the Howling Prairie. Catch you all later!
  12. I guess I have to drop it a little higher! 100m and I take myself out every time....even if I fly fast enough to almost tear the wings off.
  13. Arrows are not a mod AFAIK, they are arcade=1 in conf.ini. I tried jabo in the Silverplate...no go.
  14. I hope the S.79 gets released at AAA. I want to make a Pedestal mission pack, it would sure be a nice addition. My Grandpa was on HMS Foresight, cut in half by a torp from an S.79
  15. I run two monitors and just park TS on the secondary, works a treat.
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