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Everything posted by Tribunus

  1. Salute FT and thank you for your reply. Your Chkmods method sounds intriguing. As I understand it, I should make a copy of my V4.11.1m HSFX V6.0.17 and rename it V4.12.2 HSFX V7.0.2. Then download, open and "Run as Administrator' your Chkmods utility. Hopefully, this will open up properly and I then aim it at the folder containing my new copy of the game. I then make sure that the Check Against box reads 7.0.2 and click 1 - Verify mods. After letting this run, I then click 2 - Fix issues. This sounds wonderfully simple to me. But what sort of Wizardry and Black Magic are you using that will pull together all of the normal IL-2 patches and the various HSFX Mods to get my game up to V4.12.1 HSFX V7.0.2? Or are Wizards forbidden to share their Dark Secrets? Oh, and one other question, if you have a moment. When I was finally able to get my gaming computer running again, I discovered that I still have an Ultra Pack 3 version of IL-2 installed. Do the Dogz still use or plan to use UP3 in the future?
  2. It seems that I have a lot of catching up to do. From what I have read, we are now using V4.12.2 HSFX V7.02 Expert. Is this correct? Now that I have my gaming computer up and running, I was able to discover that I am way back at V4.11.1m Expert HSFX V6.0.17 My question is how best to proceed? Should I attempt to patch over my existing V4.11.1m HSFX V 6.0.17 Or should I begin with a standard copy of '46. I have a copy that is patched up to V4.11.1m Advice and suggestions will be very much appreciated
  3. Happy Birthday Mate
  4. How about 11 days late. Happy Birthday mate
  5. 1. Will externals on the ground be available Yes / No – I don’t really care, I learned how to S-Taxi decades ago, so I can get by without externals. 2. Are we going for locked pit once in the air Yes / No – Yes, it’s the only way to fly realistically. 3. What will the icon ranges be for both friend and foe - I’m okay with any sort of Icons that the group decides upon. Or we can go without icons and really make it a challenge. 4. Will external padlock be available Yes / No – In in my opinion it’s a Cheat We should also agree that 1. If a player has been shot down they do not disconnect before the plane has crashed. – Agreed 2. Strafing of airfields should not take place, bombing from altitude yes, strafing no. – Agreed 3. No shooting of parachutes - Agreed. It’s not honorable and it violates Article 20 of the 1923 Hague Rules of Air Warfare 4. No ramming on purpose – I wouldn’t do that even if it was allowed. You could get hurt. 5. Damaged planes should be given all best effort to return to base rather than bail and re-fly as soon as you are hit. - Absolutely! For me it adds to immersion to limp a damaged bird home Should we define a winning scenario? Yes, being alive when it’s over.
  6. Happy Birthday Mate
  7. That might be alright for snipers, but for normal soldiers, I'd be a bit concerned about having software that prevents me from firing unless the shot was perfect. There are just too many strong cases in modern warfare for quick suppressive fire. But, they are working on that as well. http://www.popsci.com/diy/article/2010-05/invention-awards-soldiers-third-eye You basically have a red dot sight that appears on a HUD display on your goggles. You put the sight on the target and squeeze the trigger. Anyone person who has spent time playing video games will instinctively know how to use it.
  8. Happy Birthday Mate
  9. Happy Birthday Friar
  10. Agree
  11. Hale county is nice but a little too far west for me. Fortunately Texas is blessed with lots of land. My girlfriend's son has a ranch out near Zephyr Texas, so I know and like that area. http://www.pecanpeak...m/about_us.html There is actually still a lot of land around that is relatively close (70 to 80 KM) to the Dallas-Fort Worth area, where I will be living. Well, close by Texas standards. As far as the type of home that I'm hoping to build, I'm planning on building what is called a Net Zero Home. These are homes which are built from the ground up to be super energy efficient, utilizing lots of insulation and innovate technology like a Geothermal heat pump, passive and active solar and wind power, if you live in a suitable area. http://sustainablehomesoftexas.com/ Their Point Source Home has enough electrical generation capacity to power the entire house and charge an electric car. Combine that with a well and rainwater harvesting system for water and a on-site waste water treatment system and you can truly be self-sufficient. Surprisingly the costs are not astronomical. You'll spend a little more initially (15 to 20%) building the house, but you'll be able to recoup those expenses in around seven years.
  12. 84% Libertarian 75% Republican 65% Democrat 33% Green The Senate is essentially unchanged and the Republicans still have a solid majority in the House of Representatives. The big story of the election, that is not been well covered by the media, is how well the Republicans did in State elections. So as Arthur has pointed out, the next several years will look a lot like the last two, and for the second straight election, President Obama has proven that he has no "coat tails" to help other Democratic candidates. I will shortly be back in the Republic of Texas, where I'll resume my life of a being a extremely self-sufficient, heavily armed carnivore. It does look like I will have to give some serious thought to creating my own compound on the plains of North Texas, where all Dogz will be welcome.
  13. Winning is all well and good, but the Dogz have always been more about enjoying flying with your Mates than winning.
  14. That almost borders on Blasphemy
  15. Happy Birthday Mate
  16. What an amazing concept. When in doubt, read the instructions. The difficulty settings do appear to be the culprit. Now I will have to find a new excuse for missing the target. Thank you both for your help.
  17. I now have HSFX installed and auto-updated to v.15. I’m experimenting with it now. But I do have a couple questions. Am I correct in assuming that having it in Expert Mod is why only the compass heading shows up in the speed bar? Also could I ask for some advice on bomb settings? I’m assuming that HSFX has the bomb arming delay like the stock game, but what about fuse settings? I’m either blowing myself up or the damn things refuse to explode. I can’t seem to find a happy medium. If my Egyptian hosts can refrain from doing anything too incredibly stupid, I’d like to start flying again.
  18. Too much information
  19. Happy Birthday Mates
  20. I thought that might get your attention.
  21. Don't Mess with TEXAS
  22. Happy Birthday Mates
  23. Man survives grizzly bear attack, using just a small caliber Beretta pistol ....
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