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Everything posted by mctav

  1. Damn that looks pretty good Snacko.
  2. Sounds like BG might have to put the muscle on the building contractor and get the work delayed.
  3. Clearance granted, huzzah.
  4. Hmmm July 11/12.
  5. BG photoshop is the anti-christ.
  6. Second what Enforcer said.
  7. And that was the last time any rock face ever spilled Falcons pint..
  8. lol IL2 is quite a find isnt it.
  9. You mean thats not your flight gear!?! I feel you are letting the Dogs down with your shoddy flight attire young man.
  10. cow tipping for the rich?
  11. Quality work Friar.
  12. Not sure if its my work pc playing up but I cant see an actual link on your post Gec. So just in case heres another for Ironmike http://www.dangerdogz.com/forums/index. ... 019.0.html
  13. mctav

    Re: anti spyware

    B16 do you have the name for the site just in case I cant get into my machine tonight?
  14. mctav

    Re: anti spyware

    TOAD, if
  15. mctav

    Re: anti spyware

    TOAD did you get wacked on Monday? Do you know where?
  16. mctav

    Re: anti spyware

    Thanks B16Enk, wasnt aware of that.
  17. mctav

    Re: anti spyware

    Huge apology to anyone who has this damn mess going on. I have to assume it has come from the map I posted for the SEOW with AAA positions put in for practice flights. I have no idea how this shit got into my system.
  18. mctav

    Re: anti spyware

    Avast anti spyware adn virus. I'm getting the same fracking thing.
  19. Thanks again guys.
  20. If 'pool' pilots stick to the reserve DF server with their own TS channel, retiring pilot then has to contact them to call up a reserve fighter.
  21. Well that was my first event with you guys and I must admit it was the most fun I've had online for a very long time.
  22. Thanks Stingray and GEC, have passed your ideas over for him to check next time he gets online.
  23. Thanks guys.
  24. S!
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