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3. Danger Dogz
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    United States

Everything posted by gec

  1. i have a system with 6 LED's on camera and reflectors on the hat and no problems with it. works like a charm. no extra wires attached to my head
  2. try this: connect to the internet over the DSL if it's not all ready connected. find out your external address either by going here: http://www.whatismyip.com/ or using ipconfig command in command prompt and search for PPP adapter dsl if u use dial up DSL. copy the address and write it manually in conf.ini in localHost= try to connect to servers.
  3. gec

    XP 64 Bit

    right now i'm in testing windows 7 beta public release. my test machine is @ work so no game testing but this is next on my to do list. first i need to get my self a new hdd. for what i've seen till now win7 looks great, feels great and way faster then vista. maybe even fast as winxp.
  4. gec

    XP 64 Bit

  5. gec

    Help Recovering Data

    lol B16Enk types faster than i am
  6. gec

    Help Recovering Data

    Try this: right mouse button on the folder -> sharing and security. click security tad, click Advanced, Owner tab. In the Change owner to area pick your username, tick the Replace owner on subcontainers and objects. OK, OK. off course all that is possible only if u have administrative rights on your computer. gec
  7. ty BG. i did try all of the weather types in the drop down list but neither gives me so dens clouds how we had in that SEOW mission. u really should have been there BG to see that. The clouds where on 500 m and almost totally cowering the map u could not see the ground from above the clouds.
  8. hey u all smart and those little less smart guys out there i have a question. how the heck can i make the weather in FMB to be as it was on SEOW last mission?
  9. you could also use house aluminum foil and make balls with it. u maybe not even need to have a reflective tape.
  10. welcome Rocky !! long time no see m8 looking forward to fly again with u m8
  11. lol FT actually it does not!! 'Toggle level Autopilot' is used for stabilizing the bomber. 'Toggle Autopilot' is the right option. it was probably just a typo
  12. what he said
  13. yes it usually looks like that. u can use it only if the waypoint's are entered in the game. when they are. the little plane is showing u the way to the next waypoint and will switch to next one when u reach the first one. very good stuff if i know how to use it and if the waypoints are entered correctly.
  14. gec

    cockpit roll ??!

    i agree with u guys. as it happened ones it can always happen ones more. if it does we'll keep the conf.ini
  15. gec

    cockpit roll ??!

    ok guys. we sorted the problem. i went there and just copied my il2 game folder to hes computer so he does not need to reinstall the game all over again. and everything is working fine now. thx for the support guys.
  16. gec

    cockpit roll ??!

    hey FT ty for your answer. when i fly (and i'm always talking in cockpit. same goes for Vila) and when i roll what happens is my cockpit is stationary and my horizon is rolling. my gauges are always in the bottom of the screen no matter how i roll. Vila has some problems with hes ISP at the moment that's why i'm doing this for hem.
  17. gec

    cockpit roll ??!

    sry m8. that's why i always say that i do not know good English. no disrespect ment. only wanted to say that i would like to know the answer so i can help my friend Vila.
  18. gec

    cockpit roll ??!

    hmm...if i would know that i would help hem correct it. i remember Funflak once saying that he changed something in settings and that totally helped hem to be a better pilot. maybe that has something to do with that.
  19. gec

    cockpit roll ??!

    hey guys. i was speaking with Vila today and he has a strangest problem with IL2. when he makes a roll instead of hes horizon, hes cockpit is rolling. so if he fly's upside down hes cockpit is up!? any ideas?
  20. gec

    Happy BD Crash

  21. rgr. that's good. maybe i'll think about something like that. all tho i have no problems with reflectors
  22. how long can u power those led's with one battery?
  23. when i bought my self a motor helmet i got some reflective stickers extra. i used them for the purpose. for a beginning u could use a hat with only 1 point. this is enough for two degrees of freedom and to be able to look around freely. 6 degrees of freedom are only available in moded version of the game
  24. one way is to put 3 led's on your cap and direct them to camera. but this requires a battery or other power supply and wires going from your cap to the PS. other way is to put 6 IR led's on the camera facing to your cap and put some reflective stickers or something similar. the cap that TOAD build would be good also except that the reflective part does not have to be so big. u can have small bolls for this one . so there is no wires going from your cap. in the camera is 5V coming from USB port. u can use it for powering those 6 led's so no extra wires there also. schema is attached. if u decide to put led's on your cap take a fine rasp or sand paper and sand off the round tip of the led's. it will help to disperse the light.
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