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3. Danger Dogz
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T_O_A_D last won the day on December 1 2024

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About T_O_A_D

  • Birthday 04/30/1965

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    South Eastern, Iowa
  • Interests
    Fishing, Hunting,R/C,Motorcycling
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  1. Then I made them into uploadable movies to YT. Enjoy! I often dig through the gigs of stuff I've saved to hear our voices and Camaraderie. I've been aiming to do this for years, and I might as well do it now and get rid of the large files off my PC. Besides, I'll probably never get that involved in this game again. I had broken my ankle that fall and was off work for 8 weeks, so I had time to brush up on things. This next one is just me finding a flight of Beufighters online while piloting a 109 and after watching it a few times I think Kira was actually in one, thus the reason we were quiet I think.
      • 2
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  2. Here is a Training Video on HARM of Fruitbat instructing me the other day. Sorry it's not 4k I don't remember how to force Microsoft Movie maker into 4k ATM
  3. Was this the intention? Because it is leaving the icons huge on my rig at 4k Since you're in there, the size may or may not need to be adjusted to each person's liking. But I'm curious if you can adjust them to gray in and out like we used to in the original IL2 so they only start graying in at 2 miles and only turn color at the last 1/2 mile. In IL2, I used to make the pilot name show up at 200 yards, even though that's not real either, but it made it easier to call out the right guy in a turn-fight.
  4. T_O_A_D


    Nice addition
  5. T_O_A_D


    Thanks, Tom, I now have a Helicopter in my stable. It took me a bit to get it installed correctly. Due to the instructions on the web page, but their readme squared me away.
  6. Happy Birthday FT!
  7. I'm on lunch and no real time to chase this, but have you looked into the wayback stuff https://web.archive.org/web/20240505021333/https://www.simhq.com/
  8. Yes both ways work equally well for me, as long as I keep me ball's clean and dry 😉
  9. I'm still on 5.4.27545 No idea where that is in versions but it's probably 6+ years old. I noticed an issue when I started flying again, but found out the reflective balls on my hat were dirty. washed and all was fine. I did though order the lighted thing before I figured it out, thinking my TIR head was getting weak and not seeing the reflective balls and was hoping the lights would make up the difference. Both work fine so if if using headphones I'll use the light thing and if using external I'll wear the hat with me balls.
  10. T_O_A_D

    Cockpit area

    Pics of my stuff
  11. delta What are the advantages of this profile over the many in the past or the ones I've made and used over the years? So I can look for it and compare and migrate if need be. Thanks
  12. Your phone is connected to big brother and his wannabe's even while you sleep, same with any of your smart fart stuff, including your robot floor sweeper. Accept it, or go off the grid are your only options nowadays. And off the grid will still leave you with the onlookers from the sky.
  13. I left the room for a spell, if I wait till the blue circle starts spinning it it too late to catch it, totally locked up by then.
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