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Everything posted by MadTrooper

  1. ~S~ Bucky, I'm sure that you have checked everything but did you rename the profile file i.e. if it was Bucky profile. xml and you renamed it bucky profile. bac; or Did you replace your file at the correct location i.e. ....NaturalPoint\TrackIR4\Profiles\Bucky profile.xml ? MadTrooper
  2. ~S~ Rattler, Please say thanks to your bro for me for what he did for his country while participating in our mission in Afghanistan. I'm glad that he made it home safe. Thanks again.
  3. Thanks Snacko, I will get rid of it. I've installed Mission Mate but didn't have time to play with it. Is it good you think? I got the latest version of the program that is compatible with the mods. Thanks. MadTrooper
  4. Salute, I have tried to install QMT without any success. When I click on the application file I get an error message looking for the correct path for the game. I have used the browser to tell the installation where the path was but it doesn't see it for some reason. Can anyone help please. Thanks again. MadTrooper.
  5. ~S~ Deacon Sir, Thank you for your help. That is what I'll do. Thanks again. MadTrooper
  6. Love my X52
  7. ~S~ Blairgowrie, Well he did buy the merged game (FB+PF+A..) and he told me that when he was starting the game it would see version 4.07 on the loading screen. If that is right then the only patch he need to have is the 3.5 gig IL2Sturmovik1946 ver 4.08 patch, Right? Thanks. MadTrooper
  8. ~S~ One of my friend just installed the retail version of IL2. Is there one patch that can bring it up to version 4.08 or you need several patches. I just dont remember how I did mine. Patch that I have saved on my computer: IL2Sturmovik1946_Setup_4.08.zip (3,550,319kb) and IL2_1946_408m.exe (148.259kb). I would like to know if the retail version (merged) brings the game up to 4.07 and if the only thing I have to do is install the 3.5 gig patch then do I just extract the patch to the already existing IL2 directory? then run the game? Thanks for any advise. MadTrooper
  9. I'm telling you, we had a blast and Bucky's score is what it is. No trics !
  10. ~S~ Guys, thanks for your replies. I'm just going to use winamp like you suggested. Stingray, wow cool link. I like that
  11. HI, I have been using the inflight music randomizer for a while now and had no problems. Recently I went and transformed some of my MP3 tunes into .wav for it to work. The trouble is when I use the new tunes ingame, the songs only play for about 10 to 15 seconds and then change. I would love to be able to hear the all tune. Is there something I can do? Note: a 3,2 Mb transformed into a wav and its size become very large like 30 mb. Can that be the problem, the tune is too large? They play very well with Window Media Player Thanks. MadTrooper
  12. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa.... Its good GreyKnight, real good MadTrooper
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