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Everything posted by Shayd

  1. I have tested it both with a .properties and with a missing .properties and it works creates or updates the file just fine. I need more details of what your doing, and if any messages are showing. Try to catch me on TS.
  2. Hi Toad, I'm check it and see what is happening to the properties file. I'll assume that the file is there, or that the file is missing and needs to be created. Shayd
  3. Added in some safety logic so that if you try and change something, or save before you have actually opened a mission file it won't blow up. Last path opened should be saved for XP users now. If you have installed Mission Tweeker before, be sure to remove the old install using the control panel. last updated 8-20-08 @ 3:40pm pdt http://www.theflighthangar.com//Portals ... 0small.zip
  4. I have updated the file to handle missing .properties files in a more consistant manner. I have tweeked the permission settings a bit and will have to see if the XP install functions ok now. I have added the Text of the different cloud types instead of just an index number. Updated the install so that under the start menu it goes under "Mission Tweeker" Instead of "Microsoft" If you have installed Mission Tweeker before, be sure to remove the old install using the control panel. last updated 8-19-08 @ 7:50pm pdt http://www.theflighthangar.com//Portals ... 0small.zip
  5. New version available 0.4 http://www.theflighthangar.com//Portals ... %200.4.zip Expanded functionality includes: [*:2qx7i19p]Edit briefing sections [*:2qx7i19p]Winter/Summer map change if available [*:2qx7i19p]Update Cloud Type and Height [*:2qx7i19p]Adjust Time These were added to: Select Wing [*:2qx7i19p]Change AC Class of flight (includes non-flyable AC for AI selection) [*:2qx7i19p]Change # of AC in a flight [*:2qx7i19p]Adjust Fuel Load [*:2qx7i19p]Change AI Skill level
  6. Take those pictures back, we are in a global warming cycle don't you know!! You photoshopped those!!
  7. Shayd

    Funny Score

    You photoshop'd that man! No way!
  8. Woot! I have a new acronym just for ME!
  9. For now till I can get with Friar to figure out how to update the vault I have added a link here: http://www.theflighthangar.com/LinkClic ... 36&mid=351
  10. Sorry I wasn't more clear, are you going to the Camarillo Expo? That's what I was talking about.
  11. Hmmm...thats pretty darn close, I'm in a couple of JO classes (ITS on Sat., and IBS on Sun.) but might slip out of the Sunday class as I won't be able to complete the class anyways. Mister Toad, you guys going to be wearing any colors, or something to identify the guilty...I mean the sim guys attending? Sorry for the OTP.
  12. Perhaps the FMB Snob's need to learn that you don't have to dig thru layer after layer of waypoints to find the group that you want to increase or decease the number of planes in the flight. lol...to each their own I suppose, I going back to
  13. Is there a way to update an existing entry, or do I need to just add a new file. Anyone know? Shayd
  14. Ok, in working on some stuff for Beebop I found a bug...imagine that ...in that if you selected a mission that as non-flyable aircraft and then selected that group it crashed the program. I have fixed it and have also added in the ability to edit the Briefing. I have added MRUs under Files as well. Will upload it shortly. Shayd
  15. Thanks
  16. Very Cool!
  17. Ok, there is always one in every group, and I'm them. (They call me, "Prude") Perhaps if your going to post links to off color (colour) stuff you can make indicate that with adult, XXX, off colored, etc... 'I' personally don't care for viewing stuff like that. If I did, I'd watch more TV.
  18. Ok, that's it
  19. http://www.raf.mod.uk/reds/teamnews/ind ... 2F89D95041 Damn, gotta find a new PC topic to
  20. Careful dogz, Sneaky just posted this over at JO Sneaky sayes: More PCBS Quote Fwd:- The world-famous Red Arrows have been banned from appearing at the 2012 London Olympics because they are deemed 'too British'. Organisers of the event say that the Arrows military background might be 'offensive' to other countries taking part in the Games. The display team have performed at more than 4000 events worldwide, but the Department of Culture, Media and Sport have deemed the display team 'too militaristically British.' Red Arrows pilots were said to be 'outraged', as they had hoped to put on a truly world class display for the Games, something which had never been seen before. Being axed from a British-based event for being 'too British' is an insult - the Arrows are a symbol of Britain. The Red Arrows have been excellent ambassadors for British overseas trade, as they display their British-built Hawk aircraft all over the world. The Arrows performed a short flypast in 2005 when the winning bid was announced, but their flypast at the Games was to have been truly spectacular.
  21. Well, it looks like its a weekday at 8pm gmt then I'll have to bow out. That is 12noon here and no way during the week. Good luck gents and have fun!
  22. Wait a minute, you mean there isn't going to be a relief tube modded into the new big map!!
  23. If we could figure out a set time I could schedule I would be intrested in participating. Love stuff like this.
  24. I have an older BenQ 24" and love it. Wouldn't hesitate to get another one of that brand. Also there is an excellant site that compares monitors side by side for display lag...I'll have to see if I can find the link again. Ok, found it, here is the link: http://www.digitalversus.com/duels.php? ... a2=49&ph=9
  25. Just saw this...more pie in the sky? http://www.ebgames.com/Catalog/ProductD ... t_id=61047
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