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  1. Does anyone know what is available, if they are any good etc? I have had no luck finding decent pedals in store because everything is X-Box/PS or just cheap PC sticks with rudder and throttle on the stick. I want a more professional approach with separate throttle and rudder, but no luck so far.
  2. Hi guys, Thanks for lots of really good suggestions.
  3. Now that I upgraded my Flash player, I was able to watch the video. Why did you leave it so late to extend gear?
  4. Faced with such a problem you can very carefully alternatingly apply left and right rudder to create "partial slip" on final (note, it should not result in a stall). Slight nose high attitude helps too, but if you find too much speed is bled off, then nose down a fraction until it corrects (this is easier to control with modern aircraft than tail-draggers).
  5. Well... does anyone have the answer? Or even a guess? Ideally I would like to save as AVI and then convert to MPEG later, after the edit.
  6. I am one of those unfortunate souls who purchased the original IL2 only to find out some time later that nobody else is playing it any more.
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