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3. Danger Dogz
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About Dagger

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Puppy (4/8)



  1. Thanks for the info Crash. Only today, five days after registering I got acces to the Saitek forums.
  2. Yeah some delay with Saitek reigstration. Do you know if they mention isopropyl alcohol as a good cleaning agent? That's basically what I need form there. At least until they allow me access to the forums.
  3. Gentlemen, I'm getting some jerky montion on my X52 pro's rudder twisty axis. So I'm thinking of taking it apart and cleaning the respective sensors with Isopropyl alcohol. Do you think it will be safe? Isopropyl alcohol is used to clean electronics I think...
  4. Wow 88 pepeshka's looking down at you. That's 71 bullets * 88 = 6248 rounds. Of course they're small calibre but still.
  5. Ouch he cut his own thing off.
  6. I figured one of you must know, what is that pointy thing in front of the heli?
  7. Any idea when they'll be done?
  8. Is anyone using nhancer? I'm asking because I can get it installed and all, but whatever modification I make with it they don't apply to the system. I make either specific profile or general modification but to no effect.
  9. Does ROF have a dynamic campaign for single player, or even multiplayer?
  10. Dagger

    Pre Radar

    Is that how DINO knew where the germans were coming from? It's called acoustic radar I think, they were pretty serious about it at one time
  11. In 30 minutes, Germany vs. England match, good luck!

    1. fruitbat


      kill the linesman.

  12. Oh yeah I have Rise of Flight, the demo, and that's actually a lot of fun. Of course you need to pay extra for each plane that you want unlocked and that's kinda meh On the other hand I've been reading on the Wings of Prey forum and it seems the game is lacking in immersion. It does look pretty though.
  13. Have you thought about adding an 'Other Games' section to the forums?

  14. Hi gents I was wondering if you have played/are playing the Wings of Prey game. I know you can get it on Steam. I'm curious what you think of it I don't know if I should bother buying it. Here's a video of it in action
  15. Thanks for the profile Snako. Sorry I didn't answer last night, I realized later that my mic wasn't working.

    1. Snacko


      No problem M8. Hope it helps you out. You will need to change the TS button and TrackIR Center button (If you have TIR).

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