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Capt. Crunch

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  1. Friar I have the difficulty settings set to "limited ammunition", is there another setting I should check? Cheers.
  2. Thanks BG for the Irfanview download offer. I mentioned the don't download warning I was getting in the internet search for it, Fraps had a warning as well, to others on the UBI forum and most who have either one installed scoffed at them being infected in any way. I have a decent anti-virus program, and now I don't know what to believe. Cheers.
  3. yea delta7 I must of changed the joystick/keyboard assignments about 50 times, seems every time I set it up one way, especially with the joystick, I find as I play what I think are better button assignments for it, lol. Allways tweaking. Cheers.
  4. Hi delta7, I believe I repaired the throttle firing guns issue, I removed all key commands to fire guns in the IL2 game controls screen, and set them to only being actvated useing the appropriate joystck trigger buttons. Not sure but may have been accidently with out realiseing at times I was probably leaning on the enter button (fire gun 1) when reaching for the throttles, my fault for not noticing it earlier, lol. Exchanged joystick for the same, was still doing it, figured it had to be somthing I was doing wrong, eliminateing the fire guns keybord commands should correct this. As for the SST software, I havn't configured anything yet, as it seems to do well with out it, will later so I can add more joystick assignments. Cheers.
  5. I like it too BG, BTW, I am now working on take off's, and landing for online play, I'm ok once I'm in the air. Two quick questions; when playing single player with QMB, does the AI have unlimited ammo? While being chased by a single AI fighter plane (BF 109's) I've noticed or at least it feels like they never run out of rounds firing at me frequently ,
  6. Hi guys, thought I'd let you know... At BG's adivce, I changed my nick name from Lt. Crash to Capt Crunch, as it was too similar to our other member Crash, and was causing too much "who's, who" confusion during online play. Funny enough it was the first name change idea that came to mind, hasn't helped my flying skills either, I just "crunch" into the gound now as opposed to "crash" lol. Cheers.
  7. Yes Rattler, I'm willing to fly nights, havn't had a chance yet with you guys as I just joined. Cheers.
  8. Thanks Delta7 for the advice, I downloaded the IL2 Joy Control as you suggested but have a couple of questions; Now that I have three Joystick adjustment screens, the IL2
  9. Hi all, Bought a new Saitek aviator joystick, and sometimes when throttleing back around 25 percent power or less, the guns fire on thier own, no finger on triggers, have reinstalled drivers & software, updated both as well on saiteks site, still does it occasionally and so far only with Spit's? Anyone heard of this one? Settings problem, have check all looks correct, may take it back for exchange, any suggestions. Cheers.
  10. Thanks Blairgowrie yes your in my address book now, Adromida Strain movie starts in 10 minutes, so no team speak test tonight. I think its ok, will be on tomorrow evening to test. Cheers.
  11. Hi guys I just installed team speak for the first time and connected to your team speak game lobby, all looks well. Just one question? Does it matter if the team speak setting are adjusted to use my sound card as primary input/output sound device, than in cotrol panel under "voice" have it set for use "usb device" input/output? Thats the way its set up now, or should they both be listed the same device types for team speak screen, and same in control panel sound settings. I was in the lobby but there was no one there to test if its working properly talk, hear wise, I believe its working but not sure. Cheers.
  12. Wow Cold_Gambler, your right that is close, not sure where upper beaches ends, highway 7 maybe, lol.
  13. Sorry Blairgowrie, but your email to me is lost, anyone not on my address book list goes to spam, sometimes I check the spam, sometimes not, and just empty it. If possible could you send again, will look for it in spam folder and add you to my address book if possible, sorry again. Cheers.
  14. Hi jensonpark, to answer your question I live in the beaches, now called the beach through a politcal, and resident vote, I still prefer calling it the beaches personal choice. I have lived down here since 1991, was married had a three story triplex which we lived in with two rental aptartment within, marrige went sour sold the house but still live in the area. I love it down here crime is next to zero, due to property values being really high, no rif raf can afford it lol, even apartments are higher cost wise to rent than other areas. In other words unless things go sour down here in the beaches safety wise I'll probably die here, lol. Cheers.
  15. Hi guys, Thanks to all for the warm welcome, and to Blairgowrie for his invite to the group. I still have so many questions, but will try not to over tax by asking too many at once. I registered at the Joint-Ops flight school as suggested. Here are a couple of questions for now; Which squadron should I join, or do you guys predetermine it for me? I have no idea how I join you guys in online flight, or do I right now or later, and last I do not have team speak, and not sure on the install procedure, but I have a misplaced mike which I'm still looking for, lol. And to jensenpark comment about living in Scarborough, yes your right its anything but safe now, I grew up there parents had a nice house and all, and I remember as a child my parents thought nothing of letting myself and other kids from setting up tents, and sleeping in the back yard, or leaving the doors unlocked with screens wide open on hot nights to help cool the house. You would be insane to do that now even though my parents house is located within one of the better areas in present time, on the fringe of Scarborough east. I moved out of Scarborough many moons ago, and now live in a much better area still within the Toronto area. It's not all bad, mostly the areas that allways make the news crime wise. Cheers.
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