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Everything posted by Bounder

  1. Well chaps you are only going to see these once and some are not pretty! Age takes it's toll and so you are advised to ogle the aircraft rather than the ugly mug! It has been such a pleasure flying with you guys and now that summer is here I may not be able to provide an image in your 12 until the autumn when Painless will at least try to steer me to your 3 or 9. Enclosed is a history of the last 20 years, from work to pleasure, you will see that aircraft feature in all aspects of my life. The little biplane (Baby Great Lakes) nearly terminated my activities for good more than once. It is a long story and I will tell it to you one day. My little Fury replica was the very last a/c I flew IRL and I loved it: if only it had had an inverted fuel and oil system. Bye for now and hope to fly with you all soon. Bounder
  2. Have you been there Friar? I was there last year with my son and his wife and we had lunch at the little cafe just below the bridge. We never saw anyone walking the route that time around so seeing your video posted is really amazing. It is quite a way from where I live (between Alicante and Valencia) but quite close to Fuengirola where my son was on holiday. If any of you guys come to Spain let me know, you have a standing invitation to share a beer. Great post Friar. Hasta luego, Bounder
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