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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by campi

  1. Yep!! White and nerdie http://www.kossan.se/roliga-filmer/weird_al.htm
  2. Adrenalin...... http://www.kossan.se/roliga-filmer/pans ... r_vaeg.htm
  3. http://www.kossan.se/roliga-filmer/bortskaemd_tjej.htm
  4. Nothing needs to be said. So I say nothing and only laughs.... http://www.kossan.se/roliga-filmer/jaeg ... skogen.htm
  5. If ever U are down, this clip always makes U smile and happy again :) http://www.kossan.se/roliga-filmer/barn ... a_wii.htm'
  6. I Believe to have found video´s of BG and family. This is what seems to be going on when our beloved BG is not flying with us. http://www.kossan.se/roliga-filmer/klipp_med_golf.htm
  7. A MODERN SYMPHONY http://www.kossan.se/roliga-filmer/f1__ ... _queen.htm
  8. Same Pilot. Not the same plane... . ' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6ZTy9DYCxk
  9. During an airshow at the waterfestival 1992 in Swedish Capital Stockholm. In front of the eyes at over 300 000people. This HAPPENED... Thank the Lord almighty...... Nobody died
  10. http://www.kossan.se/roliga-filmer/alla ... r_alla.htm
  11. It´s time for me to relocate.. ´Because of this I want to offer my friends a low price... http://www.kossan.se/roliga-filmer/kvar ... gplats.htm
  12. And my question is .... Is Bonger the man, coming up with all this..?? Is that he does for a living.....
  13. Smartest kid in Europe....
  14. Salute this has nothing to do wiith flying, but I still wanted you all to see this...
  15. How do you sink the same submarine twice??????? You swim down to it and knock on the hatch again.. The Russian soldiers will then open and say We will not fall for that one again....
  16. How do sink a russian submarine..?????? You swim down to the submarine and knock on the hatch..
  17. How do you spot a Russian submarine kadett????? He glows in the dark..........
  18. Salute my fellow Pilotfriends It was a fullfilling and fun mission last nigth. My second mission, but my FIRST as a pilot. And I lasted pretty long too . But a failed deploy mechanism on me bomb and a Top ace pilot riding me. I had to accept my defeat. But as a good DD newbie. I am always happy to
  20. Salute BG and everybody on Dangerdogz.... My third flightday was completed last night (08/04/01). A night with a few kills and a lot of deaths ...
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