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3. Danger Dogz
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cannon_fodder last won the day on April 26 2010

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About cannon_fodder

  • Birthday 02/06/1969

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  1. Its very hard to add to the fine comments on here, Jim, I looked back in achives and found a personal email from you, The warmth and genuine friendliness in the short note that welcomed me to the forums and inviting me for my first flights is evident. Its a shame I havent been in a possition to fly for a long while but I was always greatful that you always loaded one of my poorly crafted missions each time I requested it. I will miss flying with you. Regards Nick
  2. people have long memorys... Overnight halflife and halflife-mod users had to change from a tried and trusted system to 'steam' which in the early days was short for STEAMing pile of s**t . This was when counter-srtike and DoD made up half of the entire online FPS community. Early steam was poorly implimented ,full of bugs and exploits and suffered from the wrath of the comunity forced to use it .... Todays steam is a world away from steam 1.0 .Its stable , secure (for a given value of secure ) ,easy to use and has some nice features One of the best features that I use is if you have a new machine all you have to do is install steam...input your email adress and password and wait.. All by itself it will install all your steam registered games complete with all current patches and upgrades just thick how much quicker your IL2 install would be. one of the downsides is we will lose the ability to mod the game again... If the impliment online security like VAC or punkbuster and the engine detects a mod you will be in breach of the EULA and could face an online ban \
  3. cannon_fodder


    I never got into electic flight. Before LiPo batteries it was too unrewarding. Low power to weight ,short duration and long recharge time. I had a 2ft canard delta with a .15cu inch engine . more thrust than weight and a 1000+ degree per second roll rate made it intresting to fly. Add the fact that it was almost unresponsive in pitch with the engine off made it the least practical of my own designs....But boy was it fun ..small and hand launched... used it often..... Try this place for speed controllers
  4. cannon_fodder


    I aways bought and used matching TX and Receivers . IE if I used Futaba transmiter, I always used a Futaba receiver. Always worryed about interoperbility bugs. All my kit is old . I have seperate Fixed wing transmiters and Helo Transmiters and used onboard fixed programable channel mixers . Mixers were required for deltas where 1 servo powers 1 surface that provides pitch and roll. Modern transmitters are much easier . From the digital display screen you can adjust each servos polarity ,its travel , each end point AND mix it with any other servo. Removes ALL the skill ( and loads of time) from the setup. Its much cheaper to get a complete box set than seperate transmiter. Look for a deal with transmitter+receiver +3-4 servos and rechargeables What power are you going to use for your project??
  5. My server has 1 Gb. (2x512 Mb DDR400) But it only has 2 slots so I cant upgrade. Hunting for some more Carcases to see if I can get 2Gb on a server. Somewhere I had an old 19" Proliant with 2 xeons ..Im sure it had 2Gb but I cant remember what happened to it. Its probably being used as a door stop
  6. Toad, It appears that I have wasted your time I downloaded 2 seperate copys of your files (work and home) and installed on to both my servers and each time they failed to load \ In desperation I dragged the entire folder to my client machine and it fired up first time ?? My servers are all low spec machines (P4s or AMD32 at 2- 2.8 Mz and 512-768Mb RAM (But they do have over 4TB of disk space between them )) So the 4.09m server runs on a fully updated 4X3.2GHz quadcore with 4 Gb RAM. Does any one have a spare PC at this spec??? If anyone has got 4.09m to run on their machine can you post the spec? Am I running out of memory? Or am I missing a required addon? (net framework? Direct3D? openGL? MS mouse driver?)
  7. I'm beaten by this... I've even upgraded the RAM in the server in case it was a memory problem. I've posted on M4today and other people have the same problem but there is no fix posted. In fact there is very little help out there. I'm shocked that the server is not available on Steam. I can download all other steam suplied dedi servers for games I dont have installed but IL2 server is not available As soon as you post the links I'll start the download
  8. Downloaded all 7 parts of the rar from Mission4Today unziped and installed and tested ... starts as 4.08m all working. can connect with 4.08m client. downloaded the 4.09m patch from the same site and installed. Ran the server with all the default settings...... crashed before map load Need help!!!!
  9. Thanks but hold fire on that for the moment... M4T has the 4.08m server ziped in 7 part .rar (some 1.3Gb ziped) I'm un zipping it now and will apply the M4T 4.09m patch over the top. I'll give that a go first and post the results
  10. Mr TOAD Sir, I would love to know how you got your server to run first try . I have down loaded the Patch file from the source you suggested and applied it to working 4.08m servers and they fail to start after the patch is applied. I have run a DF server since V4.01m with no probs but this has me beat at the moment. Can you post your configs? I have available for this puppy PS I also think that the publisher is showing absolute contempt to all its customers buy not supplying the patches on its own host and we have to use some other poor chaps bandwidth to obtain the vital files
  11. Right, Story so far, I have 3 boxes with working copys with IL2 server 4.08m . 1 box runs XP . 2 boxes run win2003 I have cloned the sever directory on all 3 boxes and then tested each new copy to make sure it runs After I proved the server was fully funtional I then downloaded server409m.exe to each machine and applied the patch. On ALL 3 machines the new server instalation is FUBAR. 3 different PCs 2 Different OS's 3 seperate instalations All fubar Me thinks the patch is broken I keep saying this but either Oleg or Ubisoft dont want us to play online. The official online support for this game is appaling. I have run over 20 different types of online server (CS,DoD,AmericasArmy, Mech warrior3/4,Doom etc.....) and I have NEVER EVER had to trawl the entire Net for official patches except IL2. The fact the only official server is version 2.02 and there is NO unified patch. What sort of MORON expects someone to download a obsolete version of a server and FIND and apply some 10 sequential patches in order. Every other sofware company trys to make it easy to obtain the server and ALL of them have a unified patch system. OLEG !! UBISOFT !!! 100's of people are supplying a PCs . Power and Bandwith free of charge for your game ...Throw us a F***ing bone !!!!! NOW WHERE THE HELL IS MY PROZAC !
  12. There are several BIG unexploded WWI mines in france. These are the ones that teams of miners spent weeks digging a tunnel under the enemy trenches and then they filled with 100's if not a 1000 tons of TNT ready to be detonated at H-hour on the day of attack. If the front lines moved before they were detonated they were filled in and mapped for latter use. Then they lost the map. There was a Discovery channel documentory about a french farmer who had all his windows blown out after a lighting strike detonated 1 mine. In a field 1000 yards from his house there was a massive crater. The whole field was missing... and the experts who investigated found it was one of group of 3 mines dug and then lost during WWI . If it was mine A that blew up then his house is safe. If however the mine which blew up was mine B then unexploded mine A is nearer to his house. The frenchman seemed very pragmatic that he may be living ontop 100's of tons of TNT
  13. A trailing zero is missing. Not that it will matter for the FF. But maybe it does. Added .. no difference
  14. I ment 'working as intended'
  15. I copied my original working install on to a USB HardDrive so all my CFGs would be saved .I still have this as my virgin /vanila install I also have a modified force cfg dowloaded from the UBI or MFT forums (less gun shake) The only thing different is the Processor/MB/Memory. Even more weird...
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