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NEW DISCORD SERVER DETAILS - SIGN UP NOW - Dogz Members Only Private Thread ×


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Everything posted by Letum

  1. Care to escort us Tanky?
  2. Care to escort us Tanky?
  3. Where is Tonar?!
  4. Where is Tonar?!
  5. Negative, 2pm Newyork is 8pm London until the end of october.
  6. Negative, 2pm Newyork is 8pm London until the end of october.
  7. The Big Multiserver Bomber Practice is takeing off again on: Sunday the 21st October at 2:00 PM Eastern time (NY) -5:00 GMT (14:00 hours NY time, 20:00 hours UK time) In the bomber practice you will have the opportunity to fly in a large, high level bomber formation with trained pilots or as a escort or attacker. We take these events seriously, but they are always fun. Everyone is welcome to apply regardless of experience. There are only 21 places for A20Cs, so apply soon if you want a place. You must have Teamspeak and speak English to take part. There will also be limited places for opposition fighters and escorts. SIGN UP HERE
  8. The Big Multiserver Bomber Practice is takeing off again on: Sunday the 21st October at 2:00 PM Eastern time (NY) -5:00 GMT (14:00 hours NY time, 20:00 hours UK time) In the bomber practice you will have the opportunity to fly in a large, high level bomber formation with trained pilots or as a escort or attacker. We take these events seriously, but they are always fun. Everyone is welcome to apply regardless of experience. There are only 21 places for A20Cs, so apply soon if you want a place. You must have Teamspeak and speak English to take part. There will also be limited places for opposition fighters and escorts. SIGN UP HERE
  9. Excellent match! Thankyou DDs! Is there anyway we can change which side wind so that there is more emphasis on survival rather than just bombing the targets?
  10. 1. All the way down 2. All the way up
  11. One more screen Thanks to magnum for this one!
  12. Total success! Thankyou Tonar and all other involved on all sides! Expect scenes like this on the next bfs vs DD night!
  13. We are ok for bombers, but could still use a few extra escorts and attackers...
  14. Tonar:
  15. A taste of things:
  16. Hello, Letum here from battlefields and UKD3. Just here to let you know that there will be a Bomber Practice on a locked server soon. Sunday the 16th at 3:00 PM Eastern time (NY) -5:00 GMT (15:00 hours NY time, 20:00 hours UK time) We take these events seriously, but they are always fun. Everyone is welcome to apply. There are only 21 places for B25s, so apply soon if you want a place. You must have Teamspeak and speak English to take part. For details and to sign up; please post in this topic: LINK (not here!) There will also be very limited places for opposition fighters and escorts, however, you must be known to me, Monguse or Thor before we consider you for a fighter place.
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