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NEW DISCORD SERVER DETAILS - SIGN UP NOW - Dogz Members Only Private Thread ×


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    Leighton Buzzard

[BFs]KaiserB_uk's Achievements


Newbie (1/8)



  1. Hi guys, Just to say (and looks like I'm first),
  2. Oh, right I see.
  3. Hi Ace, I can only apologise for the technical difficulties we had - we weren't quite as organised with the passwords and stuff as we'd like - we'll do better next time.
  4. That was me - I was lucky you ran out of ammo when you did I think - the ~S was most sincerely meant!
  5. We're not really a 'squad' in the normal sense, or we don't think of ourselves as such - but that said we get very serious when there are team objectives at stake... I think I speak for all of us in saying we really enjoyed the test and the competition of fighting against another team - it made a nice change to not worry about kicking people for breaking the rules! Another match would definitely be on the cards, and if you can offer a server that's more neutral or more your side then that's cool, or if you want to get used to some of our maps (your welcome to study a few) then that would be good also... KB
  6. Another thank you guys - I know the maps were new to you and you did very well none the less... Made my night to see Mobious using my Tie Fighter 109 skin!
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