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3. Danger Dogz
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    United Kingdom

About Maarvin

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  1. That's bad news I have a copy of this - it's well worth a read. Maarvin
  2. S! They made a game out of the "Times Educational Supplement"? Wonders will never cease..........
  3. S! Glad to see the wart cream worked Sparrow
  4. S! Pretty good.... I went with them 'cos they were cheap, offered all the bells and whistles I was likely to need and offered lots of space compared to the opposition at the time. Mind you, that was 2 years ago and my renewal is up soon, so it's time to look round again. Yes, uploads can be slow but downloads are very good, and uptime is more than good IMHO. Regards. Maarvin
  5. S!
  6. S! You know the Red Lion too Sparrow. That's where we had lunch after doing Cambridge...
  7. S! Thanks for the welcome chaps. Don't get your hopes up about the email address though - I set up airmuseumsuk.org a few years ago to put a photographic record of the UK aviation heritage online. It's purely unofficial (it's also really out of date and has been taken over somewhat by airshow stuff
  8. S! Gents I'm one of the UK pilots Sparrow and Deadmeat were mentioning. So now you know it's all their fault
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