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Everything posted by Monty-Dan

  1. B16, hope you are well sir and thanks for the comments sged, delta - when BOB is finally released i may be producing a movie on a Spit squadron and i will need coordinated dog fight scenes of BF109 v Spits, HE escorted by BF109 etc etc. So i will be in touch one day about that as i am sure you guys will be able to provide me with what i need. Again thanks for taking the time to watch and post
  2. Hi Delta, I ripped the sound effects from the movie Battle of Britain, i think having "real sound" effects increases the entertainment of any IL2 movie by at least 30%. As you know the IL2 sound effects are *rap at best. Thanks for watching Cheers Monty
  3. Hello all, I haven’t been in here very much recently but I thought you may want to have a look at my very first one on one Dogfight Movie. I produced this video simply as a personal record of the my single Cockpit Only View kill with no icons and 30mm cal guns only, which took me over 100 attempts flying the same mission. I have got to applaud all you regular Cockpit View only flyers who get regular kills
  4. Mines in the post but thank god you posted these instructions Cheers from sophisticated PC Neanderthal man (I have several different sized clubs of different weights to sort out various gaming problems
  5. Hi Shak Try this http://www.darts-page.com/movies/Monty/PoW_Large.rar This is the original Pictures of War movie from 2005, it got nominated for Best Editor in the 2005 Machinima Festival in New York
  6. BBloke, B16 OK, let’s get rid of the myth about my post rate…..that’s now two in an hour….oh hang on my fingers ache…lol Thanks for the kind welcome and usual sarcasm as normal A recruitment video…now that’s sounds cool…a music video is what I want to try next…I am up for it…are you guys
  7. Hello Guys, Just registered today as I want to say thanks to everyone who has watched POW2 and posted the fantastic comments in here, doubletap – you had me creased with laughter Just a quick thanks also to Beebop for posting it in here and spreading the word with BBloke and B16, set of good eggs these guys. I know I have registered but that does not mean I will be flying, I gave it a real try once over, but decided I was better at making movies. I don’t know if BBloke has mentioned anything yet but I will need a seriously good dogfight scene recording in the future with 5/6 each side, BBloke said that you maybe up for this? I will let BBloke know what I need in the coming weeks and see if its possible that you guys could do this for the movie Astonishing reactions – I am blown away - thanks guys
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