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3. Danger Dogz
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About Can_Goose

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    Fort Mcmurray, Alberta
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  1. I think the trouble with fraps is the hard drive, hard drives can;t keep up with the read writes speed required by FRAPS,I am waiting for the price of solid state drives to go down and then I will try Fraps again.
  2. 1345.4 passmark version 7
  3. Nvidia Control Panel Settings ansotropic-2x antialaising gamma- off antalaising mode-off antialaising setting - none antialaising transparency- off conformant texture clamp- off error reporting =off force mipmaps-off maximum pre-rendered frames-0 multi display performance mode- single display sli performance- force split frame rendering -This setting may have to be changed in the "program settings" to splitframe as well as in the Control panel as it dosn't seem to want to adopt
  4. Nvidia Control Panel Settings ansotropic-2x antialaising gamma- off antalaising mode-off antialaising setting - none antialaising transparency- off conformant texture clamp- off error reporting =off force mipmaps-off maximum pre-rendered frames-0 multi display performance mode- single display sli performance- force split frame rendering -This setting may have to be changed in the "program settings" to splitframe as well as in the Control panel as it dosn't seem to want to adopt
  5. 1000, that way I don't have to worry about how close I am to the target.
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