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  1. BG, I wasn't around the last 3 years or so, I dont play this game much anymore, my interests shifted somewhere else, but everytime I think about this game, my thought shift to you and the great bunch of "fools" you got together throught your friendship and generosity, flying around laughing our head off like kids. My thoughts goes to you today with my all my heart. I cant find the words to express the gratitude I still feel today for giving me your friendship so freely with so much kindness when I first joined the DangerDawgs. Salute Sir, Jim. And "Bon courage", Yves aka Drinksky
  2. You know how many blonde jokes there is? 3 ...
  3. Ooops I meant: And here some guy explain how to test PSU not plugged into a "Mother board"
  4. Cold_Gambler, Heres some documentions out of an older book I have. Hopefully its still up to date enough to be usefull to you. You'll need a volt meter, a cheap one will do. Here are the ATX allowances for power supply voltage spec
  5. heh heh heh, How come the Spell Check dont even try to correct the word "Newfie"?...
  6. ...riding along in a car on the highway,
  7. drinksky


    whoaaaaaa ha ha ha ha !
  8. Haaaw, sorry, nope, that's not the one ,
  9. I wish the best to all of you guys and your family and friends. I worked my **s off to bring you my best artistic performance yet. http://www.elfyourself.com/?id=1801340009 P.S.
  10. Da plane click me
  11. Sir, Many thanks
  12. drinksky


    Guys, Check this out, It's hilarious, the actor is actually pretty good... Link: Global Warmings
  13. Hey just found on the internet a place here in town that sell it. Might do a little detour and check it out....
  14. Whoaaaaaa!
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