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Everything posted by JerseyDevil

  1. I also remember seeing a thread about a semi-real Italy map being confirmed for release in that last patch.
  2. Congrats on the new family member! I saw a show once and it showed this amazing African grey that was trained like a child. This bird had to ask for food if it was hungry, ask for water when it was thirsty, could tell shapes, colors, and different colored shapes! The last thing they showed was them putting the bird to bed and the handlers said "good night", turned and started to walk out of the room. The bird then replied " good night, I love you and will miss you". It was very amazing and it showed that us as humans should have more respect for the abilities of our animal friends.
  3. Someone's always a problem...
  4. Have a good one M8, sounds like your off to a good start!
  5. No problem M8, just thought I'd offer. I have 3-5 old vid cards if anyone needs something with less horse power. I have an old TNT also I think, a Vodoo 3, and old generic PCI card, and it seems like something else. I have quite the computer graveyard going on with cases, CPU's and the like, Patty is always after me to "get rid of the junk". I always say it's going to go towrds my retirement, have you looked at what some people pay for some obsolete computer parts?
  6. Way to go M8! My father is 100 years younger and doesn't have a clue how to turn on a computer, let alone being a top notch sim jockey.
  7. Shadow, I'm also interested I've trying to figure out a good way to keep track of the new profile I'm building
  8. I'd love to see Monty and the good Padre collaborate on the Danger Dog movie. I bet that would be a real interesting flick, a real sure fire hit.
  9. Unbelievable, is the only word that comes to mind. The whole story line was quite a surprise and the actual cinematography
  10. Never mind me, I'll crwal back into my hole now....
  11. Glen put them up here http://www.dangerdogz.com/forums/index. ... en#msg8068 in this post
  12. Name: V196WL_Blair [2] Score: -150 [2] State: Selects Aircraft [2] Enemy Aircraft Kill: 0 [2] Enemy Static Aircraft Kill: 0 [2] Enemy Tank Kill: 0 [2] Enemy Car Kill: 0 [2] Enemy Artillery Kill: 0 [2] Enemy AAA Kill: 0 [2] Enemy Wagon Kill: 0 [2] Enemy Ship Kill: 0 [2] Friend Aircraft Kill: 0 [2] Friend Static Aircraft Kill: 0 [2] Friend Tank Kill: 0 [2] Friend Car Kill: 0 [2] Friend Artillery Kill: 0 [2] Friend AAA Kill: 1 [2] Friend Wagon Kill: 0 [2] Friend Ship Kill: 0 [2] Fire Bullets: 0 [2] Hit Bullets: 0 [2] Hit Air Bullets: 0 [2] Fire Roskets: 10 [2] Hit Roskets: 8 [2] Fire Bombs: 0 [2] Hit Bombs: 0 Tsk,tsk, shooting at your own troops...For Shame...
  13. No, that was the proper place.
  14. Wow, It makes one think they might've missed their true calling.
  15. Nice work M8, I love these things.
  16. You poor man, I hope they get well soon. I hear they're never the same afterwards.
  17. Wow, I don't think I can really follow that up. But, here are a few fairly recent ones of mine for anyone interested. Sadly the big girl on the right is no longer with us. The one year anniversary is almost here. My other passion The only "profile" shot I've got handy Damn Photobucket auto up-load shrinking :x
  18. Thank you sged for sticking with it so some of late joiners could join in the fun. Despite the good natured "complaints" from some, I thought the I-16 Vs P.11c mission was really fun. I can hardly hit the broadside of a barn, but I'm getting really good at running away. :roll: I think Quaz and Painless chased me almost the entire time and I almost got away because they were almost out of ammo.
  19. That was in the first mission, c'mon BG regail us with your B-25 bomber exploits. Quazi, Beebop, and myself missed that action.
  20. Be strong and get well M8.
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