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Lone wolf/idiot

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Everything posted by Lone wolf/idiot

  1. I find this a great book it is not about airplanes but actually about the soviet submariene operations during the cold war. very odd finally knowing that four (diesal) submarines armed with nuclear torpedos(yes it is true) and carrying missles to the cubans in the cuban missle crisis were actual repeled. the navy dropped signal depth charges on b130 a submarine holding the only soviet captian as of that tiome to have actualy fired the torpedos(in test range). if things had came out differently a carrier group with the carrier essex CV9 could have been literally vaporised bay a 10kilo ton explotion
  2. i would send you a pick of my dangerdog friend ecept she is locked out for opening the oven for the hundreth time. yes my evil lab can open ovens, doors, presents. we have to keep presents away from her because she will eat anything in a box. fyi don't by a lab they are nice and fuzy but if you do not train them they will be fatter than a seal. this is my dog
  3. i declare a jihad on b16 rahahahahahahaa now exuse me while i jump in my imaginary bomber to bomb your puny digitally animated britain. hahahahahaha
  4. thanks arsenal now an am nice and tan but i think i burned off my eyebrows :oops:
  5. how come i was moderated all i said was a match up off america vs the rest of us you americans can not keep me down revolt hahahaha :ogre: :ogre: :ogre:
  6. what will happen if two countries angry at each other are at the finals you know like the finalist would be isreal, palistine briatan, irland pakistan, india Moderated....
  7. i work with computers all day. i am a webpage maker for a smallnewspaper buisness is spend 9 to 5 in front of a screen then i spend 10 th 12 in front of the screen the rest at the beach or biking around i get saturdays and sonndays off but i am around my computer alot and i might be crazy but i think the screen is making me go blueish from the glow. i might just be crazy i actual was driving and kept check my six i think i need a break. :mumum: :mumum:
  8. the multiple red planes is correct actually. the red barons squadron mates wanted him to change colors because it made him a target so he squad mates painted their planes in bright color like red wit subtle differences from his plane. that is how they got the name flying circus. :idea: ps i think that is the full story. i got it from an old book called Knights of the Sky.
  9. i have been setting up missions with high level bombing . i usually fly the g4m betty as an ally with b24's and some blenheims. i am hooked on blens and b 24s i cant stop doing bombing with them or shooting them down. i wish the b24 was a flyable because i think it is in desctuctible it has som many guns and it is durable too i want it i like the thrill of approching the target at 2000 feet and having flak come at you then see your wingmans engine catch fire while he goes down. then your drop your bombs and run to safty. i also made my own polesti with me in the only b25 and b24s coming from three different dicertions in differnt times. just like polesti i lost most of my bombers so who is with me? i am going to kidnap Mr maddox and make him make me a b24 i may seem crazy but yes i took my meds today
  10. i have not played online much but would like to hear your storys. my best is a one on one fight with a ki43 with a zero the deul went for at least 15 minuets wich ended in me downing him with an engine fire but he had raked my feul tanks with bullets causeing me to bail insight of base.
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