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Hell Hounds
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    United States

Everything posted by HH_RitterCuda

  1. I love my CH set up and I'm not found of Logitech that said check this out..
  2. I love my CH set up and I'm not found of Logitech that said check this out..
  3. looks like mom did the right thing.
  4. As I said when building the house. "I have a backhoe and 40 acres and not afraid to use it! "... strange I never failed and inspection.
  5. cool how deep will it be when done?
  6. fresh meat!!!! does this mean we have to stop with the french jokes?
  7. got the UBI zoo that BG is hosting
  8. http://s204.photobucket.com/albums/bb176/RitterCuda/POF%202009/?start=all just some of the 200 picture of planes of fame 2009 air show chino CA.
  9. I plan on making it Saturday
  10. Ah good old RB . do watch them
  11. problem in TS or system wide?
  12. it is a way for you to break out the 3# hammer after you burn your engine up in a dogfight
  13. Rog knows this much better then I but if you have to you might be able to run on a linx (sp?) cd to reformat your HDD. but check your ram like he said first.
  14. as I have said before 3# hammer it will not act up again!
  15. you need team speak you want hyperlobbie,Ir tacker, IL2joystick and a million dollars
  16. 4/1
  17. in the stock track anyone no of one that has a lot of deep AAA? I'm working on my sounds and need a fair amount of
  18. it could be your mic jack
  19. where is it the hangers look like Chino.
  20. I think there is a fair line between the two extremes
  21. E8400 2G ddr2
  22. and here AAA was braging about No weapons mods
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