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    Southeast Tennessee

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  1. I have had IL2 since it's release, but took it off my machine soon after trying it years ago. Last night I reinstalled "Forgotten Battles" onto my new gaming computer. It wasn't long before I remembered why I hadn't flown this sim. I have all CH Products controllers, and am having trouble getting the various functions of the sim assigned to the buttons on my controllers. I was able to get the necessary things like pitch, roll, ailerons, etc..... assigned. But can't get the guns/weapons to fire. What I would like to do is use the same assignments I use for FS9 (understanding that weapon stuff isn't applicable to FS9). Anyway, any ideas? Also, are there many updates/patches/free addons for this sim? Pardon me if this particular information is in some FAQs already. Retnavycpo
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