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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Jaxium

  1. Jaxium

    Salute To Bg

    I thank you so much BG for the friendship and , the endless hours of fun online, and the awesome leadership you have presented for your squad, I was not able to attend the numerous times at Duxford but was there in spirit with you always. I will always cherish your friendship, you are more than just a friend, part dad, part uncle, and a whole lot of brother.
  2. Thx for the help guy's....Back up and running 408,409, and up20... When do you pick which mods to use, before online game? Jax
  3. Well I finally made it here, after along bout of (what the hell is wrong with this thing). My problem is that after reloading IL2 on vista , every time I try and start IL2, it goes...lights flash on cd, then it quits...Any idea's I tried to install, that didn't work, then I moved the folder to C:Il2, that doesn't work either.. I have a blue-ray burner installed, but I don't think this is the problem. I've tried starting autorun, using the shortcut in IL2 folder,from cd menu, nothing seems to work......I hate Bill Gates Jax
  4. Jaxium


    This young woman, 6 months pregnant, was involved in a terrible car crash which left her in a coma for 1 yr.
  5. Oh Delta dude, me and Acesteel also have Operation Flashpoint, and Flashpoint resistance, as you say, we have found no better land sim, and are waiting patiently for Flahpoint 3 coming out in '08, maybe we can get together sometime and play flashpoint? have some cool missions built by our friends online. The best is taking out a crew with a well placed grenade and taking thier tank, or helo....soooo much fun.........Jax
  6. I use 200 for both cannon and mg's, I like my shots concentrated, so that one small burst with both, take down the opponent, as for range, let them ripp at .30, .20, and for the p39, and p63, I have gotten quite accurate with 1 shot, 1 kill mindset, my aim is just high, when behind fighters, and side passes on bomber, 1 shot will usually cut the tail off, aiming for say, top gunner, that would be your lead for a tailshot, I practiced in quick mission bulder with flights of bombers to nail down that p-39's big gun. It's my favorite plane for firepower, against bombers.
  7. Jaxium

    Lost hard drive

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