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    Didsbury AB.

RCAF_Acesteel's Achievements


Puppy (4/8)



  1. S! All Newfies come from Ft. Mac Murray.
  2. S! Many Happy Merries to all of yez .
  3. 3 men arrive at the gates all at the same time , St. Peter says " We're kinda full right now , I'll listen to your stories and the best one gets in . guy1; I was an acrobat living in an apartment on the 15th floor doing some exercises out on my balcony when I accidently flipped over my railing . I managed to catch myself on the railing of the balcony below me and was hanging and yelling for help when a madman came out of the room with a hammer and smashed my hands till I fell . My fall was somewhat broken by a large tree and I wasn't killed ! But I looked up a moment later to see a huge white thing coming at me and thats all I knew . St. Peter says thats quite a story , grab a seat on that bench. guy2; I was a married guy living on the 14th floor of an apartment building . i think my wife was cheating on me so I came home early today and found strange shoes by the door and my wife was in bed alone but naked . I tore through the apartment looking for the guy only to see a man hanging from the rail on my balcony . Losing it , I grabbed a hammer , smashed his hands and watched him fall , only to see a tree break his fall . Losing it some more I rushed into the apartment , grabbed the fridge and wrestled it out and over the rail to fall on him. Apparently the strain was too much for me and I had a heart attack . St. Peter says holy mackeral , you better go sit with guy #1 over there and have a talk . guy3: I'm hiding in a fridge having a smoke after sex ................................
  4. S! Very nice to see a Mk XIV Spit , my alltime favorite plane , but where's the beef < read heavies ? It would be nice to see flyable heavies .
  5. S! All A man has been working at a pickle factory for years and ever since he started there he has had a mad crazy desire to put his penis in the pickle slicer . He just can't shake it and gets a psychiatrist to try to help him , but after months of sessions the shrink tells him his problem is so deeply ingrained in his psyche that the only way it will go away is if he dies or actually does it . Great the man says , I'm going to do it tomorrow at work. He goes to work the next day but he is home by 11:00 AM . His wife meets him at the door wondering why he is home so early and he decides to finally tell her about his pickle slicer dilemma . After telling her , He exclaims "and today I finally did it ". "Oh my god " she says and whips his pants and shorts down only to find his penis is perfectly ok and whole . In wonderment she asks , "well what happened to the pickle slicer" . He shrugs and says
  6. S! Check out these 2 vids Fritzl found , http://www.flixxy.com/jet-man.htm and .
  7. S! Ok enough of the flowers . You guys need to overhaul the maps obviously because the first one didn't even function . Secondly your rules are absurd , we allow vulching but really only one side will be able to do it effectively because the other side can't carry the weapons we allow to do it . Oh and btw , our bases are about 1 minute apart and basically undefended by flak . Oh and don't forget we have much fewer ships to destroy to achieve the victory than you guys but at least all of ours are small and can be killed with a fighter/bomber which we have oodles of and you guys btw have 6 . Oh don't forget the pw ................................., Oh and we are ok with ramming the slow german bombers and we do allow plane dumping . Apart from all of the above I had a fine time bombing those cruisers and destroyers .
  8. S! I believe it is old news as I have used it in several missions . However I have found that if I put in more than one plane per wing the wingies will line up on the ground in formation , thus making takeoffs possibly bad for them . The first waypoint gives their direction on the ground . I haven't been able to get any jet to work the engines won't start .
  9. S! Cheers ! Yeah Pooka it does , but you know they are missing us already .
  10. S! Clearly the Japs should have set the weather to much more extreme settings and then just watched the Americans crash on takeoff and drown on the beaches .
  11. S! All Cheer up ! OFP-2 is coming out soon in 2008 , a new reworked game with amazing graphics and the same unbelieveably realistic and intense gameplay . You will still be able to jump in and drive pretty much everything and oooooooh the weapons . http://www.codemasters.co.uk/flashpoint ... point2.php Oh and the long coop games were fantastic . It has the most detailed mission builder , you can program the ai to do almost anything . But it's difficult to figure out how to use it and the threads buddy game builder uses are in CZ.
  12. S! All This is somewhat off topic , but this here is "The World's Greatest Radio Station", Alberta's own http://ckua.com/ . A very cool publicly supported station in AB. They play a somewhat different mix of stuff based on the current dj's taste usually .
  13. S! All I would also like to get a copy.
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