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    Aberdeen, Washington, U.S.A.

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  1. ...and that's how I learned to appreciate Sleeman's Honey Brown.
  2. Good to be back, Rattler. As far as the vacuous world of high school goes, well, let's just say that June 12 can't come soon enough. Seniordom is fulfilling, bu then you realize that you're a king in a glorified ant farm.
  3. Damn, the monstrous creature is still alive. Could you just imagine the kind of traffic this site would receive if all of the Zoo realized that the grass is much greener on k9squadrons? Do they realize that here they could post softcore porn, screenshots, and in-game help all in one thread and with no negative consequences? Oh well, it's not our fault that they prefer a zoo to a gentleman's club, albeit a zoo with a magical mustachioed Russian that can fix all problems with the right amount of user complaints and delta wood.
  4. "Dude, I'm so totally watermarked."
  5. That's the only way a Spitfire could ever look beautiful to me.
  6. LMAO Just call it a Freudian slip. It's been a long day... Anway, here's the one I meant: But c'mon, what's wrong with Cab Calloway?
  7. If it's good enough for the Blue Oyster Cult, it's good enough for me. I don't think even Bob Dylan could successfully work "R4M rockets" and "Junkers Jumo 004" into the lyrics of a song. Sheer genius.
  8. You wouldn't happen to have anything involving a slim, dark-haired, big-buxomed lady with brown, penetrating eyes wearing a Soviet officer's uniform (with red collar tabs and a skirt) and cleaning a rifle whilst leaning against a wall, would you?
  9. HOLY SHIT! That was goddamned genius!!! I'm making it a priority to show this to a certain FS2004-playing friend of mine who lives down the street. He must be warned.............that is.........................if it isn't already too late. I can't imagine how he'd react to having his 60GB (no typo) worth of addons suddenly disappear. :shock:
  10. Wow! Now THATS some high quality photography!
  11. Magenta :oops:
  12. Its actually as white as the Alpine snow.........................................and just as noisy as that 747 in the video But hey, there was always that '75 Pacer on sale downtown for $2,000.
  13. Colonel, my respect for you has reached a new high. It takes a man with real cojones to drive a green Citroen 2CV and readily admit it to his closest comrades. Now THATS coming out of the (French) closet!
  14. Witnessing war's hell from a unique perspective
  15. Unbeleivable! Here are the latest SONAR images of the wreck. Pretty dramatic.
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