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Everything posted by Duffbear

  1. Not without doing damage! She flew in her and knocked over my wine glass, which you think is up high enough and it wasn't. Really tho mom is working nights so dad must watch precious. Unfortunately these times all seem to be the same time as PST fly times. The only one it seems that is possible is the noon PST on sunday which I have tried to do but shit happens! I think of you all always and try to read the boards. I promise I'll pop up sometime when you least expect it and become your DRONE for a while. Ok that's it she's tearing the place up, later fella's
  2. I didn't think I would miss this one! Right now I'm lucky to read emails! Really guys I didn't know taking care of a 15 month old was this much joyful work! When you are flying oh oh here she comes!
  3. Duffbear


    Hey Quazi, Ya it has been awhile. Hope to see you soon ahead of me and not behind me!
  4. Duffbear


    Hey Arsenal, I look forward to meeting you and all the rest of the new fellas! I don't know when this will happen, as my wife's mother just passed away on Sat. and she is flying out tonight to go to the funeral. This leaves me in charge of the 14 month old blessing, Lea Marie for 7 days by myself, so don't see myself near the computer for flying for awhile again. What peaked me about the post was your family's military history. My father was a jet pilot in the USAF in the 50's and 60's. His two brother's were both in WWII. One was a navigator on B-24's and B29's, and the other was in intelligence? Again look forward to meeting you soon. Off to the airport.
  5. Do you like the grass? The pic was taken on Dec. 11th! Got to like it!
  6. They say the third time is the charm! Here is the Bear with his baby girl! Now if someone could help me shrink these it would be right! Sorry for the size.
  7. Well that didn't work, maybe this will! A picture of me!
  8. Giving this a try.http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e233/ ... im_dog.jpg
  9. I am very impressed with the "kennel" site very well done! I'll have you know that this is the first site I have ever posted on! :oops:
  10. I must say Dubbo you crack me up!
  11. Hey Dubbo and Jensenpark! To answer your questions, It's going great! She is such alittle love. She picked up her first blood letting war wound Sat. She tripped on the deck, fell face first and split her bottom lip, not too serious, but she has a fat lip. Still not bad for 5months of walking!
  12. Hey fellas! It is good wearing the DD colors again. I had computer problems for awhile as well as couger problems. I made a new computer, but the couger still needs help. I won't be able to fly just yet but hope to soon. I look forward to flying with all you new members soon. Duffbear out. :shock:
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