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Everything posted by Zeus-cat

  1. I'm glad you made it out safe and sound Trib. Connie and I have been thinking about you and the situation over there. Zeus
  2. That is probably the second best dogs trimming a Christmas tree video that I have seen all day.
  3. Pilot: You can end it now; I don't need to land.
  4. Mrs. Zeus-cat and I just got back from vacation.
  5. Two subjects covered in this thread Nose and chin turret - boring Making the bead for the pilot seat - exciting beyond belief!!! http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/2601013236/m/1671057887
  6. I gotta go with Minnesota; because of, or maybe, despite Favre.
  7. I posted some photos of the Urbana, Ohio B-17 restoration on the Ubi forum.
  8. My wife does our trip planning and this is what she has put together.
  9. I have used several techniques to damage ships in my campaigns.
  10. Miscellaneous photos. The English wheel is a device that you use to put curves in sheet metal.
  11. This post has photos of the riveting procedure, the 10 foot bending tool and the finished part test fitted in its final location on the wing.
  12. We are actually making real parts now!
  13. I do a little woodworking... and some model rockets...
  14. Thanks Waldo Pepper.
  15. It has been quite a while since I posted an update on the B-17 restoration that I am working on.
  16. Here are a few photos of my recent rocket launch. I used my digital camera in rapid fire mode to get 7 or 8 photos of each launch. I then selected the best photos. The first launch was to test the rocket. It worked fine, but my parachute was too small and the rocket was damaged slightly. A bit of super glue and she was ready to fly a few minutes later. Here are two photos of the first launch on a pair of Estes B4-4 motors. For the second launch I added an altimeter to the payload bay. The specs say it takes 10 samples a second and is accurate to 4 feet at sea level and is good to 15,000 feet. The wind died down so I eliminated the angle on the launch pad and launched straight up for the next two flights. The second flight was also on a pair of B4-4 motors. The altimeter popped out of the payload bay somewhere on descent, but was undamaged. The altimeter recorded a max altitude of only 135 feet. Apparently, a pair of B4 engines wasn't going to cut it. I inserted a pair of C6-5 motors and prepared the altimeter. I reinforced the payload bay couplings to make sure the altimeter wouldn't come out. Both motors lit up and the rocket made a very nice flight. The altimeter recorded an apogee of 397 feet. I later discarded the two highest readings as errors induced by the parachute deployment and determined that the rocket actually reached about 380 feet. You can see some of the data I plotted from the altimeter.
  17. Sorry, no more photos from me. I've tried half a dozen times over three or four days and it just isn't working for me.
  18. WOW!!! Great link.
  19. Apparently, I can't upload any more photos; I keep getting an error. I even tried starting a new thread - no luck. I'll try again later.
  20. A closeup of my Phoenix blasting off.
  21. http://www.despair.com/viewall.html Scroll down on this page to see all of the "motivational" posters. These are real by that way and you can buy them.
  22. I hope I don't get killed in a stupid way if DT is still around. The embarrassment!
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