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Everything posted by Quazi

  1. Glad you got it sorted out Deacon. It will be interesting to know just how much is too much. I have heard that BoB will increase the available positions in coops from 32 players to 48. Of course this is the rumor mill. I hope they can do this.
  2. Guys, I just couldn't, in good concious, watch nearly $600 worth of card(s) just collecting dust. The damn things didn't sell on eBay. Tried for two weeks. Could have had something to do with me including the water blocks, but I really thought that was a sales pitch as each card had $65 worth of water block(s) and ram sinks. They could have easily resold them for $40 and have only $170 tied up in a decent, actually great, card. But noooooooo. So I got pissed because I was put in a position to be forced to use them again. Actually my concious forced me to use them again. It is allot easier to see a $100 investment collecting dust. But I was so aggravated I thought, "If I am going to use these two cards again in SLI, I am going to get every bit of speed I can get out of them both. And if I burn them up I will feel better about them collecting dust." So I vmodded the piss out of them both. Took them both as far as they can go without replacing and re-soldering larger resistors onto each of them, all the way to 1.55v's on the GPU. Had to test each card as a single card install to make sure they both could reach the same oc speeds, and they did. Then installed them in SLI. I have these babies oc'd to 730MHz on the core(s) & 840MHz on the memory. Each was able to reach 20MHz more. I just reduced them to be a bit safer. I mean I could care less if they burn up where I have them set. But running them any faster, I might as well just have thrown them away, HEHE. Anyway, I am nearly satisfied. Running on High Quality for the Textures and 16xSLI for the AA and setting the water to 4, it looks alright. Well, having no jaggies anywhere as far as the eye can see is flat out awesome for my IQ tastes. Water at 4 still doesn't look as good as ATI's water=2. And the biggest IQ difference between the X850XTPE and these two in SLI are the land textures. ATI's land textures are flat out incredible. They are brighter, crisper, and more detailed. But all in all, these will suffice until Uncle Sam takes a dump into my bank account. I am them going to pick up the DFI RDX3200 Crossfire mobo and a X1950XT, maybe two of them. I will sell this DFI LanParty UT SLI-DR, the two eVga 7900GT KO SC's, and an FX-53 in a no reserve bidding auction. What they sell for is what they sell for. If we have any nVidia m8s here, I will be happy to cut a steal deal. Of course I will remove the vmods so the factory heatsink(s) can be used. Unless water cooling is what they do. Eh, who knows, I may just talk myself into keeping what I have until the spring of '08. I have plans for a new build then. Sad part about this is, I have never been able to talk myself into being satisfied with less IQ than ATI gives. I am so damn fickle when it comes to this shit, it is embarrassing. I know there are m8s that would love to have this setup. I envy you guys that can be satisfied with less than the best IQ. Hell, this is a game after all and mainly used for killing each other in our virtual skies. Why I give a shit about how the IQ looks I don't know. As long as the sim runs smooth is all that really matters. It is a bloddy addiction I tell you. And I am easily addicted. Been down that road nearly all my life. Why I still have the wife I have is a miracle unto itself. So yes m8, I did switch back to nVidia for the time being. Please be gentle on me. My feelings get hurt real easily, HEHE.
  3. How much are you guys paying? I paid $55 per copy. That included shipping.
  4. Patience guys. The official 4.07m patch should be released next week. From what I can gather, when Oleg & Co. got back from their Christmas break on the 9th, they started going through the bug reports, making sure the reports were valid, and are fixing issues as they go. Of course they only have one person working on this as the rest of them are dealing with BoB. And who knows, it may be a couple weeks if there were alot of reports. I am with Dave on this one. If you haven't installed the beta patch via Olegs' release and just extracted all those files directly into your '46 game folder, you can use the the file in the first link of the post I started on the Ubi forums that BG provided a link for. With this & the triple switch installed you can go between all versions including the beta. But truly, no one is running 4.07m anywhere online. Everyone is running the beta. So it really isn't important to switch to 4.07m right now. If you have the 1946 game installed, you should be running 4.071m as the top version.
  5. Hey Dave. I have reformatted for other reasons. But this time I have had no problem installing BoE, Ostfront, and the other eight addons I have. Now whether they all play correctly is another matter. I will test and see. The only thing that would not install is the BoE update patch. It stops and says it can not find AEP.
  6. Quazi

    New System

    Yea. Glad you have a rig to play this sim at its' finest IQ with high fr's. It's makes it like a new game doesn't it Klinger m8? Congrats!
  7. Ostfront & the other 7 addons installed fine. But BoE will not install. I get a message saying that AEP isn't installed. How can that be when AEP is included in IL-2 1946? Sorry Dave. I have no answer on your problem and thought this thread may be a good place to ask questions about getting addons installed.
  8. Quazi

    46 ITS HERE

    I ordered mine and one of my HH m8s today from GoGamers eBay listing. And it wasn't but an hour later that I got an email saying it was already shipped. Awesome service no doubt. Paying the extra $$$ is a pain. But well worth it.
  9. Hey Pete. Be sure to set your water to =0 to get the most fr's out of your card in Perfect Landscape. I would also advise to keep it light on your AA & AF settings too. Maybe set both of them to 4x. If your fr's are unacceptable there, go back and set the AA to 2x or Application Preference. The latter looks a bit shitty to me, but coming from the card you came from, it may very well look fantastic to you m8. HEHE One more thing, in your IL2 Setup under the Video tab, select the X800 settings. They should work fine.
  10. I believe that is what having a CAP over the airfield is for, eh? Put a few jocks capping the airfield and let the vulching begin. HEHE
  11. For those with an AMD chip, try a program called CoreTemp.
  12. Quazi

    What Say Ye?

    X800GTO's have the last 4 pipes laser cut in the upper right hand are of the gpu. I have carefully scraped away the PCB to unearth the very small wire and then used connective pen paint to reconnect them and opened the last 4 pipes up. But it is a very risky proposition. Dig to far and you have a dead card. If you happen upon any Sapphire X800GTO Squared's, you can flash these with an X850XT bios as Sapphire used the X850XT's PCB to market these cards. They just used a dumbed down bios. I have flashed and sold two of these on ebay way back in the day. They ran beautifully after the flash.
  13. Pick up RegSupreme & RegCleaner also m8 and run those too. And now worries, EasyClean and the two programs I mentioned always makes back ups of what they delete. Just as it takes more than one anti-spyware program to keep the shit off your rig, the same holds true for registry cleaners. I do go a bit overboard and use five different registry cleaners myself. But one finds what the other misses for some reason. I have been doing this for a couple years and have had no problems.
  14. Arthur has a TiR 3 that he isn't using. He may be persuaded to sell it, don't know. All I know is I sold it to him a long time ago. Just couldn't get used to it. Felt sick and nauseated everytime I got under it. And ended with a damn crik in my neck every time. Although I do wish I could use one.
  15. Oh no!!! Now I am going to really make myself wait to watch which side you for on before I choose my ac. You are already a dangerous. What are we going to do about you now? Damn, send them back! HEHE
  16. Sadly, when my Norton expires, I believe I will do a reformat instead of trying to delete it all. I have had to go through the deletion thing twice with Norton in the past and it was hell. It would probably take as long to delete Norton than it would to just reformat and reinstall everything. I have seen and experienced Zone Alarm in action, and have even had to go in and configure a few programs on my daughters computer. So I think I am going to go with ZA & AVG when this Norton deal expires and they start asking for another $70. I am the only one that uses this computer. I go to the same sites and hardly ever get into anything else. Although I am still a bit untrusting of this free stuff, given most of my m8s get by just fine with them, I should be able too also.
  17. Save your kanolies m8, especially if this sim is mostly what you spend your time gaming with. This is just the beginning of the next generation of graphics cards. Your X850XTPE is great for what we have now. And this is coming from a graphics card junkie. And by the time BoB is released, you can probably pick up two of those for what you would pay for one now, or damn close to it. Plus, ATI has yet to reveal its architecture for their DX10 compliant cards. Although I do know the sentiment. But in all honesty, these two 7900GT KO SC's I have vmodded and are running at GTX speeds in SLI hardly do any better than the one X850XTPE you are running for this particular game we play. The main thing I notice that I get out of it is that it allows me to run the nVidia cards at the eye candy settings I used when running the (one) X850XTPE without loss of frame rates and it would allow me to run at higher resolutions if I were wanting to without much loss in fr's. That's it. Now that I think about it, remembering back when SLI first was released and how many m8s took the leap and spent their asses off to get better game play, and now 1.5 yrs later with the end of DX9 manufactured cards, they really aren't no better off than if they stayed with their X850XTPE's or 6800Ultras in single card configuration. Now this is speaking of this game we play only. I have no idea what the advantages were for m8s that spent time playing the other games. So it may not have been such a waste to them. But for those that only plays(ed) this sim, from my experiences with running both the X850XTPE and what I have now, yea, it was a waste imho. Unless they went out and got themselves an LCD and played this sim at the real high resolutions. Under those circumstances, I wouldn't consider it a waste at all.
  18. Yes Roger. I believe you got my order for one of them verbally yesterday. And no worries on the PayPal charges m8. I know all about those bastages. I will cover it as well and probably a little more for the kitty as I like whole numbers and count by five very well. I just know it will not be released here in the US for a bit longer. And when it is, I will probably be putting 60 to 100 miles on my car(and in fuel) just driving around this blasted city looking for the damn thing. You should have seen it when AEP was released, not to mention PF. So no worries, you let me know the total cost including shipping over here, and I will cover it through PayPal along with the charges. I have often thought about not having the Merchant account with PayPal just because they charge their fees no matter if I am paid with a credit card or an instant bank transfer. But to many people use their CC to pay for items on eBay and I do sell alot of things from time to time.
  19. I wish I knew of a place to purchase model kits. I am not interested in anything less then 1\48 scale. I'd much rather find the 1\24 scale models. I know you pay a bit more for these, but I love the size. Anyone know of any reputable online companys selling models here is the US. I know some are of better quality that others. I have had some Revell models that took as much time getting pieces to properly fit than it di to actually put the damn thing(s) together.
  20. Well Monty m8, you just hit the damn jackpot for fighter jocks that know how to put on a show. And who knows, we do enough recording here on our own that you may even be able to use some of the DF's that have already taken place. We are some recording feins. Also, we do this thing with fully manned TB-3's just to have fun. If you ever want to do a comedy flight movie, this would be one option to think about. But I suggest you at least participate once in our TB-3 tank battles of the sky to get a feel of what you would like to do with them, if anything. Also, if ever you post another movie in the Ubi forums, just let me know m8 and I will create shortcuts so the whole community has an opportunity to witness and watch your genius. Not many members make it over to the Movie Makers forums. So we can bring the Mobie Makers Forums to them by creating shortcuts to all the other forums. HEHE
  21. HOLY SHIT! New name...Cassanova Carl! Very good sir! You are damn good at your craft m8, and I am not talking about air-craft. HEHE
  22. Quazi

    ATI Drivers

    Hey m8. ATI drivers? What are ATI drivers? I am an Nvidia m8 these days. HEHE Shadow m8. Most everyone else when referrencing the 6.9's have had nothing but praise about them. Beebop said his 9800XT has better IQ and better fr's on certain maps where he used to have issues. I have read of many m8s on the Ubi forums with similar claims. So I am thinking there is a conflict of interst here between the Powerstrip and the Ultra Mon proggys and the new drivers. I will use an issue I am dealing with as an example. Whenever I decide to update or test new drivers, giving nVidia uses the public at large to beta test their new releases, I have to also uninstall a proggy I use to tweak them called NVTray\NVTweak. If I don't, if I just uninstall\reinstall those drivers without uninstalling and reinstalling that proggy also, I am generally hit with a performance loss in fr's. So when I do a driver change, after uninstalling my drivers, I uninstall that proggy also, then run my registry cleaners berfore reinstalling both, drivers first, then that proggy. Given you had issues with both of those proggys after the driver update, I would suggest uninstalling the Cat drivers using the Cat Uninstaller. Then using DriverCleaner3 or Pro uninstall any ATI driver entries left over through this program. Then go into Windows Explorer to your C:\Windows\System32 folder and highlight and delete all the files that have "ati" at the beginning of their name. (Unless you are running a mobo that is using an ATI chipset. If so, skip that one and the next one) Once you highlight and delete these files, the ones that are installed with XP will reappear. Then go into your C:\Windows\System32\Drivers folder and do the same thing (heeding the warning above in parenthesis). Highlight and delete all the file entries starting with "ati". Again, those that are installed with XP will reappear. What these last two steps do is get rid of any ati files that were installed with any of your previous Cat driver installs. These last two steps alone have been known to fix many a m8s issues with a new Cat driver install. Then just for good measure, and to make sure there isn't any further conflicts (that is if there were to start with), uninstall the Powerstrip and Ultra Mon proggys either through an uninstall option within their folders or through the Add\Remove option inside your Control Panel. Afterwards run your registry cleaning program(s). RegSupreme is a safe registry cleaning program, as is RegCleaner, and EasyCleaner by Toni Arts. All of these can be had at www.majorgeeks.com. I personally also use RegSeeker. If you do use RegSeeker, make sure you run it last and once it is finished finding what it does, make sure you select "all green items", right click anywhere on a higlighted entrie, and select Delete. It is very important you make sure that you only select green items. These are safe to delete. Once again, this registry cleaner alone has been known to solve many a m8s troubles. It is a very powerful registry cleaner and should be used very carefully. As long as you use it last, and make sure you select only the green items, you will have no issues at all. Now some m8s think I am nuts for using so many registry cleaners. Well, just like anti-spyware cleaners, there is no one registry cleaner that can find them all. These four I mentioned here I have been using quite regularly for a couple years and have never deleted and registry entry that I needed. Take comfort in knowing they all make a backup of what they delete so if ever you are having issues with any program(s) after cleaning your registry, you can always go back and restore any registry entries you deem fit or need to. After all this, I always recommend a hard drive defrag. Then reinstall your Cat drivers first. Then the other two programs. I know this seems like alot m8, but it is my best advice to get your shit working correctly, and to get those 6.9's giving you what they are giving other m8s are getting, which seems to be quite a boost. Hope this is helpful m8 K9 bro! Quazi
  23. Although we have been using Shadows TS server here lately, I do always have the HH & DD TS servers up and running 27\7. I haven't been crashing as often while flying as I was a couple weeks ago. But it is still yet a problem and will be until I can get my FX-53 replaced. But this doesn't effect the normal everyday running so feel free to use the DD or HH TS server anytime. And if a Hyperlobby room is what you want, I will be happy to add one to both of our servers, just as I have the BF2 room. I agree. Tis good to be in real time comms with a m8 when flying together, or just running into each other on HL and having a place to go. Of couse a dedicted HL room is really not needed as we can use any of them as it is. But nevertheless, I will add a HL room. At least this way when m8s are checking out the Comms link on the K9 website, they can tell that we are in HL by noticing which room we are using instead of thinking that maybe we are just shooting the shit and they don't want to interrupt.
  24. Quazi

    What Say Ye?

    The 5 days is up m8. Did you win the card?
  25. Sged kept us safe long enough for me to get us down. Teamwork m8s! That is where it is at! Actually, like VT, I wouldn't mind riding shotgun giving the bomber pilot a live body to shoot at the enemy. I belive they would fair far better. Good work Sged m8!
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