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  1. I would go with the second link mainly for the card reader already installed in case they ever take pics and want to download them to their computer either to share them with friends or possibly print them if you get a printer that does that sort of thing.
  2. Hot damn! After all these years I am finally able to call my friend Brando a K9 brother! Super m8!
  3. No sweat m8. Just keep doing it the way you are used to. Damn sure don't need to put anything extra on your plate and I for one would appreciate it that you are free to warn of incoming bandits on my six or elsewhere. I for one have always used voice activation. I just keep the sensitivity up high enough to only open my mic when I am talking fairly loud. And if I ever find myself having to remove my headphones to go and take care of a little PB in the middle of a flight, I just mute my mic before removing my headphones and lying them down. Tis good to finally have an opportunity to meet you on comms and do some flying with you Brando. Truly is awesome!
  4. Better late than never eh?
  5. I have found that running two 7200rpm HD's in a Raid 0 is nearly as fast as running a Raptor. Allot of m8s steer clear of Raid 0's but I have run a Raid 0 array since March of '05 and have never had a problem, and this is with older HD's that do not have the newer technology called TLER that makes running Raid 0's a bit safer supposedly.
  6. I scored a 1182.6 sometime yesterday hanging out with BG. I wonder how much a quad core gpu and a newer graphics card would affect that score. Since then I have not been able to duplicate that score. The best I have done since then in 1168.7
  7. Thanks m8s!! And I will pop in and thank Fifties for the recognition, especially as long as it has been since I have been over to JO. I actually met many of you guys at JO when you went through BFS. I am glad BG was close by to invite you guys to have a flight session with the DD's. I feel the K9 Squadrons have given a new face to squadron make up in general. Of course there are times to be serious, but having fun and enjoying each others company are far more important imho. Thanks again for the congrats and I am honored to be recognized in such company as BG, Strider, & Toad!!
  8. Just wanted to give you guys a heads up. For those that are wanting to get a few coops in this afternoon\evening, Beebop, JP, Jax, & myself thus far are hooked up on Shadows TS server doing a bit of co-oping. I wasn't for sure if BG called the regular Thursday flights off. It looks like that is the case given what time it is now. So if there are some that can and would like too, pop on in the Shadow TS server and lets do a bit of Christmas evening flying.
  9. Here is a 9800GT for $94 from Tiger Direct. http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4131689&CatId=3585 Here is a eVga 9800GT from a seller on eBay for $96 with free shipping http://cgi.ebay.com/Brand-New-EVGA-512mb-GDDR3-9800GT-for-the-serious-gamer_W0QQitemZ290282228454QQcmdZViewItemQQptZPCC_Video_TV_Cards?hash=item290282228454&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1234|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50 Here is a superclocked 9800GT on eBay with free shipping for $129. 50MHz more on the gpu and 100MHz more speed on the memory http://cgi.ebay.com/NEW-EVGA-GeForce-9800GT-Superclocked-512MB-GDDR3-128_W0QQitemZ350139422267QQcmdZViewItemQQptZPCC_Video_TV_Cards?hash=item350139422267&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1234|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50 And better yet and most of all, here is a 8800GTX with free shipping from a seller on eBay for only $100. His feedback rating is a little iffy, but nothing a little communications can't cure. And by reading his recent feedbacks and all from the last year I wouldn't have a problem purchasing from him myself. http://cgi.ebay.com/Nvidia-EVGA-GeForce-8800-GTX-Video-Card_W0QQitemZ300280708017QQcmdZViewItemQQptZPCC_Video_TV_Cards?hash=item300280708017&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1234|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50
  10. Hey m8ters. I know we had a long day flying the UbiZoo coops. But if any of you are interested in taking a break for an hour or two, or shoot even three, then feel like doing a little more flying....just join to the HH TS server and fly some coops with us: or beebop.servegame.com:8767 Password is cerebus Beebop generally does the hosting and since he is on the west coast our flight session sometimes reaches into the wee hours of the morning in the eastern & central time zones. Of course this not only goes for those that flew the Ubi Coops today but for all of our DD brethren & friends of the K9 Squadrons. Quazi
  11. That is unreal BG! Ever thought about installing a heated roof. lol
  12. I have the last one taking the place of the spash screen when loading the game. Pretty neat.
  13. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... :IT&ih=013 If flying our current sim is the main reason you are wanting to build, and if getting by as cheap as possible is of an interest, then check the link above. It's a fantastic mobo in AM2, a dual core AM2 X2 4400, and 2GB OCZ memory. With five hours left on the auction the bid is only up to $99. I expect the price to not go up much further. Then all you need to complete the builds is a case, a PSU, a hard drive, a DVD drive, and a PCI-E graphics card. This would be a great cheap way to go to have a rig that will really run this sim exceptionally well. But feel free to shoot me an email with any questions you may have at Tim777@comcast.net I am happy to help you in any capacity that you feel I can help.
  14. Shiite. I think everyone should get it. Unlike BG that had issues, I have had no issues whatsoever. Not only the sound mod for the engines, but some fantastic cannon & machine gun sounds for the Spit, Hurri, 109, & 190. The smoke mod is great to. Train smoke actually looks more realistic. Wreckage smoke looks allot better than a short thick completely black column of smoke. Of course there are allot of mods I am not interested in. I have dl'd & installed what I was interested in, with the exception of some of the map changes. All in all I have had a positive experience. The sound mod switcher even works just fine. Of course when I am flying online I use my regular copy of the sim. But if any of you are in the least bit curious about the mods, I say just check them out. Actually I felt I needed to in order to address threads\posts on the Ubi forum(s). I feel more comfortable knowing what I am talking about when the subject comes up. The mods are here, and are here to stay I am afraid. I truly wish they weren't. But the mods I am speaking of are exactly that, they are not hacks that make changes to FM's or DM's. I have not been an offliner for a couple years now. But these simple mods have breathed new life into the idea of starting an offline career and doing some offline flying. I love the way the Spit & other ac sound when idling. You can actually here a bit of back firing from the exhaust. Pretty neat.
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