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6. RIP
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Everything posted by Blairgowrie

  1. http://player.vimeo.com/video/26291756?
  2. Welcome Papabear. Look forward to flying with you.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_KTmv0OmwM
  4. Thanks Nick. I should have recognised Bluebear and nice to see a pic of Rox
  5. Who are all those people? I recognise Fruitbat, Friar and Crash but not the others. Who taught you how to resize FT? Obviously no one.
  6. Talked with my ISP today and he says he now has a solution for my upgrade. Should be soon!
  7. Pook and Joanne arrived Wednesday evening. They stayed for a couple of days and left today. I couldn't help shedding a tear or two. They were both a great help to me and we had a some good laughs together. Sorry to see them leave. Great friends!
  8. Thanks Rog. Good to hear you picked up Rox ok.
  9. Send pictures of the rain please. Anything!
  10. Are we there yet?
  11. Keep us updated pleas. We are dying for info this side of the pond.
  12. OK I have found another post by T_O_A_D where he lays out the path. Thanks anyway Jedi.
  13. Bur where do I post it to Jedi?
  14. Can anyone please tell me where to post the Maddox Dll?.
  15. The parcel is now on it's way. I very stupidly sent it surface mail. They wanted $60 for airmail which I should have paid. You should have it by Christmas Gec. Very sorry for my bad judgement.
  16. And survived it. Maybe lucky and stupid.
  17. http://www.owensoundsuntimes.com/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=3199582
  18. Ah shucks! You have me confused with someone else. I really am a miserable old bastard. Just ask Painless or Helen.
  19. All packed up and will be n the mail tomorrow.
  20. As soon as I can find a suitable box it will be on its way. Don't sweat the payment thing. I am sure you would gladly buy me a couple of pints. Jim
  21. I had no problem with the install. It was the bugs that FT mentions that drove me crazy. I am sure Tribunus will be relieved if we stick with 4.101 for now.
  22. I was able to get a great night's sleep and feel much better today. Operation Daily Dump is right on schedule!
  23. I totally agree too. There are just too many bugs with the mods.
  24. Ok then. I am guilty of gross racism.
  25. I was a bit worried that my comment that he was black would be perceived as rascist. The only reason I did was that it just seemed to fit the circumstances.
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