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About B16Enk

- Birthday 10/25/1960
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Missouri, USA
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Mongrel (8/8)
And Teamspeak is moved now too.
No worries Dave! I'll be transferring Team Speak today, then FT and Col will be pleased to know I will then shutdown the VM 😃
OK move appears to have gone well... Pages *seem* to load a little more slowly, but all downloads and uploads (including gallery) appear to be working OK.
I can add Discord, would need admin to the Discord though. TS is actually being used right now! I will be putting the web site into maintenance mode late Europe time today, transfer will take a couple of hours and all should be good tomorrow.
B16Enk started following Web site and TS3 Move , Web Site and TS3 Moving (again) and Webserver and TeamSpeak Maintenance
Hi all. I have now been able to work out how to host our website and TS3 more reliably, currently using a VM on the DCS server but that likes to go to sleep sporadically. During the weekend I will transfer the forums to a better host, this will require extended downtime so that I can host the ~200GB of files (downloads, uploads, gallery, post attachments, and Check Skins). Apologies for inconvenience.
If Discord is adopted as the default voice comms I can add the widget they provide to the forums here, so online users can be seen 😜
Sorry chaps, must have got into my spam filter! Not aware until now there was an issue with TS on new host, and there isn't a scheduled job running at 22:00... Digging into it now. For what it is worth, TS license is free! I do have a standalone VM that is more than capable of running TS3 and if the votes are to keep it I can very easily move it (we would use a domain name like ts.dangerdogz.com). Thoughts?
That may have been a general outage, the previous downtime we were getting was fixed by a software update and has not occurred since 12th August.
Hi all, As I am sure you have all noticed we are currently experiencing reliability issues with the web site and TS in its new hosting environment. In order to remediate this I will need to take the site offline for 2-3 hours, I expect the impact to TeamSpeak to be less disruptive (about an hour) so will endeavour to carry out this work today August 12th after the advertised scheduled meetup sessions (as shown in our calendar). I had intended to do this work after midnight UK time, but have struggled to fit this in with my own schedule. Apologies for the inconvenience@ Rog
Thanks Arjen, not sure why it went offline but looking into it now. Colin: I'll get a proper SSL cert generated, then switch site to HTTPS and that 'not secure' will go away.
OK so this took a lot longer to complete than I anticipated, but... ITS DONE!
That should be down now, I had 2 VMs running briefly (long story but in brief I broke one of them and needed to transfer 250GB of data to its replacement). I will need to start a smaller and more simple VM as a backup destination on the C drive.
Apologies! That headless is indeed for the Web server, it is a Linux virtual machine. Turns out there was a bug in the software and it did cause a few BSODs as well, I updated and it appears to be OK now. The headless VM will auto start with Windows, and it also does our TeamSpeak.
Hi all. I am consolidating the the web site and TS3 server onto the game server to reduce our monthly costs. Everything is now prepared and working in new location, I will be swinging the DNS across during Euro quiet time and, as far as the web site goes, this should be pretty transparent to you all. TS3 *may* be a little more challenging, I cannot test that until I can stop the old server and transfer the license, but am am quite confident it will work!
Wow! Very impressive, and well made! Now that I have access to a Tormach770M CNC mill I have been thinking of resurrecting my collective project. Original I 3D printed parts, but seeing how you designed and created this has inspired me