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  1. Haha I see that', I think I'll fit right in, I have took a spin in the tank, shot a few AI, that's about it. I'll get teamspeak set up tonight.
  2. Call me what you like Edgar is my second name so you can't go wrong with that. I use trackIR, haven't tried any of the tanks out yet but I would be happy to join up next Tuesday for sure.
  3. Thanks everyone, I have all the il2 modules, few of the collector planes too. I should be able to join you all from this week. I have the teamspeak details and will download it later and see what it's all about! Also I'm hoping my marriage doesn't last 16years haha
  4. Hello all, hope your well. I post on the il2 forum regarding UK based look to fly. I'm Jamie 35yo dad so can't always fly. Friar send me the details so here I am, hope you will have me!
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