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  1. Racal

    Hello All

    Think I have to open it tomorrow, the pinky switch on the left is very wobly, as in "damaged by a fall"... Anyway, using the saitek throttle quadrant, so we're good for the moment. Now exploring p-38 to get minimum flying experience (p-38 not being a tail dragger... 😉 )
  2. Racal

    Hello All

    no joy...
  3. Racal

    Hello All

    OK statrep, got Great Battles Normandy. Alas, next hurdle, my trusted warthog throttle doesn't show anymore in W10...
  4. Racal

    Hello All

    🙂 sounds good! This afternoon managed to get my setup up and running again, need some (! 🙄) days to get to hang of everything again and then I'll jump into the deep water... thanks!
  5. Racal

    Hello All

    Hi DD_Friar, thanks for the info. What Great battles maps/versions are you flying, I have Moscow and Bodenplatte, so probably you'll be flying the other ones 🙂 best, Racal
  6. Racal

    Hello All

    Hi, as a reaction to your mail asking for more pikots/commitment...I have to admit I am sorry.... 😉 At a certain point in time (duh, 29/12/2020) , I was on the verge of joining you all but than things at work went south and I didn't have time nor energy to keep on flying. However, at this moment I have more time again to pick up online flying. (mostly p3d, some dcs). I would like to join your IL2 flight movements, but I'm not sure where to start..... as IL2 is somewhat undiscovered territory for me. What would I need? Clifs of Dover? BoS? Are there addons/mods required/available? (I see some awesome pictures of IL and IL1946, which are way better than I can achieve....) Please keep in mind I have to learn a lot to get into IL2 (and MP flying) , so what would be minimal skill requirements to join, without being too much of a burden for your team (e.g., crashing, crashing into yous, shooting the wrong planes,......) kind regards from Belgium, Marc/Racal
  7. Racal

    Hello All

    Hi Fenrir, many thanks for the elaborate list of suggestions. I'll drop by and see where I fit in with what's in the hangar... You nailed the "emotional investment" point 🙂 That would be the F-16, (me coming from Falcon 4.0 -> Falcon BMS -> DCS) for modern age jet and Spitfire for warbird sexy-ness... Given this week is somewhat special with new years eve and family things, I'll probably connect next week, again thanks and best regards, Marc
  8. Racal

    Hello All

    Hi All, many thanks to you all for the warm welcome and suggestions! @ Painless: Yes, I have currently CoD, BoM and BoBP, happy to fly/learn both GBS and DCS, didn't find the BDSM 'sub'forum yet though...🤔 @ Rox, thanks for the suggestion, I'll wait to get more server access details to give it a go. I did fly the Metal2mesh M2000 (tacpacked) in P3D, flies really nice indeed, but I found the avionics a bit confusing, partly because of the French labels, partly because it was too 'different' from US planes I guess.. DCS modules I have are F-16, F-86, A-10C, Spitfire, Nevada-map, Normandy+WWII assets Also considering F-18 (and carrier), as I have spent many pleasant hours on the F-18E Superbug (tacpack) in P3D (VRsimulations) I did find and read the P-38 campaign thread on the forum, really impressive!, but above my competence level at the moment... 🙂 @ Kira, 🙂 A/A refueling is my nightmare in any plane...spent hours in Falcon BMS behind, below and above many tankers without getting a drop of fuel...(sorry to say mostly ending the exercise by shooting the tanker on my last pound of fuel...) ..so much to learn 🙂
  9. Racal

    Hello All

    Hi gentlemen, Hope this is the right place for a small 'get in touch' from Belgium. I've be in milsim for some time, mainly offline, but surely no experienced or even a good pilot. I am looking for some company for online simming on a not too formal level. Been reading through the forum for some days and it encouraged me to reach out and explore if there's a possibility to get to know each others. I am doing some things on DCS, IL2 , not too picky on which A/C and not too fixed on one era (i.e., like to fly from Spitfire to F-86 to F-16 to...) which also makes that I am not proficient at any given plane.... As an example, I just learn to handle the Spitfire, my level of competence in taxy-ing, take off is of the drunken duck type, and landing is, well same duck shot twice... Currently trying out some DCS free trials, not sure what you guys would recommend if flying with you would be an option. looking forward hearing from you and happy holidays, Marc
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