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3. Danger Dogz
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slicker55 last won the day on December 13 2015

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About slicker55

  • Birthday 08/03/1957

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    West Midlands, UK
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  1. slicker55


    I haven't been around for a while (house renovation) but still very much interested in the flying scene and checking out posts from time to time. I know you have all been having a good time and flying regularly... like your pics!
  2. I've been away for, what seems like an eternity, never lost interest or forgot my roots - simply no time for anything else other than renovating my house but work is now done and now looking forward to making up for lost time

  3. Another great overview, this time by Frooglesim and his friend "Mouse"... Fast forward to 14:00 for Weapons Deployment...
  4. Jack / AP, Another detailed cockpit familiarisation tutorial. This guy who used to serve with the Swiss Airforce as Weapons Maintenance and Mechanic on Tiger F5 ... Maybe we can use this thread as a central repository for any more useful F5 tutorials we find?
  5. Hi Jack / AP, I haven't invested in this module jut yet but your post (and our recent conversation) has wet my appetite - now on a mission to see how long I can hold out - hehehehehe, but hey, in the meantime, here's a couple of vid's you'll like if you haven't already seen them... (apologies for some of the language used by the presenter - totally unnecessary but obviously the way he likes to do things...)
  6. Hi Guys, Some may recall my albeit brief appearance after a very warm welcome to the Dangerdogz - although committed on another project, I have been dropping in and out to check the forum and see you are all still having a blast! As you will see, I am still very much hooked on the flight sim scene and today, I want to give you a preview of what I've been up to. This won't be for everyone but for those into DCS and in particular those with touchscreen's, here's a Helios profile for the MiG21Bis This is a collaborative project by myself and CaptZeen which began in January this year! The profile is still under development but the good news is that all the hard work is done and you will be able to use it soon. Hope you like it! Follow the development here Main panel (Game left / Helios right)
  7. Sounds like a good plan... I'm nearly done rebuilding all my HOTAS profiles for the Warty... Lovin' Thrustmaster T.A.R.G.E.T software.
  8. Thanks Snacko... Hey, have you tried it out yet?
  9. Hi Fen, Thanks for the heads-up on this mod... Just watched the YT video and it looks amazing! I take it this is a terrain mod which will change the look of everything in DCS 1.5 as opposed to being a new independent map?
  10. Agree Jabo... Last night I sold all the stuff left over from my last system upgrade to a guy with a 650W PSU and just wondered if he needed to consider something larger. Turns out 380W would be adequate - thanks Overclockers for selling me a 750W
  11. Are you contemplating a system upgrade - maybe a bigger, faster GPU and wondering if your PSU will be adequate for your needs? Here's something which makes short work of finding the answer! Power Supply Calculator
  12. Mine took 2.5 hours to complete and whilst waiting I checked out their latest sale and decided to purchase a new module which downloaded via torrent at 7.5MB/s (literally seconds) - they say 'money talks'...
  13. updated - no issues for me...
  14. Looks like DCS is now being updated via torrent and so far everyone at ED Forum is complaining how slow the transfer is. My download has been running 55 minutes 906.9 of 1065.2 MBytes Peers: 197, Up: 216.8KB/s, Down: 85.1KB/s Earlier I was uploading at 1.5MB/s and only getting 7.8KB/s in return
  15. DD-Arthur, Has he got Xbox 360 or XBox One?
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