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3. Danger Dogz
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About DD_Horus

  • Birthday 07/08/1983

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  1. It looks like Hawkinge to me
  2. I for one am really interested in this and think it would be something for us to do. Anyone else?
  3. That's great since they are the sims I am most into since I fly in vr
  4. Hi I am returning to mp in il2 and am wondering if I can fly with the danger dogs again?
  5. So what Thursday is clod night so I can fly with you guys?
  6. Yeah defo crash I will fly with you guys on them days
  7. What are the chances of getting a group match going would you guys be up for it just a friendly little battle with a joint team speak after to say like nice flying and that sort of thing??
  8. I am sorry about people who are not dd playing on the server it's just you guys mainly play 1946 and I only play clod and I only play the dd sever I don't like any of the others and when they ask me what server I am on i say the dd one as it's the best so they asked why I told them and now some times they have a bash on it I don't know how long it will last for as they like doing there missions and as I am not that good yet I don't like doing the missions I get lost all the time and I get shot down by jg26 and have to fly like 20 minutes to get back into it and most the time I get lost on the way back to the fight I just don't find that fun but getting in the air in the dd server and finding some targets shooting them down and landing then doing it again is grate fun I just wish you guys played clod all the time but you are more into 1946 witch is cool just not my thing can't get past its graphics I love the graphics on cliffs and when I get good I will be playing battle of starlingrade as well
  9. Fruitbat can you please put in some 109's for me so I can practice some dogfighting if it's possible mate
  10. i just read on the bos forum that team fusion mite be bringing it out in patch 5.0 later this year so fingers crossed
  11. fellow dd's please can you do some thing for me can you plus one this tread on the il2 bos forum http://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/7217-please-please-make-after-bos/ the vid just looks so amazing please support this guys
  12. Thats really cool Eshark mate i wish i was good at building things my one is going to cost me a arm and a leg but it will look so so gd when finished
  13. Puppy i would love to get some training off you mate have you got clod as that is the one for me i just love the graphics its just so nice to look at and i like the hardness of it i dont work so i am free most of the time so when ever is good for you mate
  14. thats really kl crash i am going to make one going to get that chair this t.v stand http://www.amazon.co.uk/Mountright-MK-002-Swivel-Bracket-Plasma-Black/dp/B00E3CA9PM/ref=pd_sim_sbs_ce_10?ie=UTF8&refRID=172DS4ECP86XMT8RE77S and i have this t.v http://www.hdtvtest.co.uk/news/panasonic-tx-l42e6b-201303102720.htm and i will be getting rudder pedals for it to
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